Brownsville, Oregon Horse Directory
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Limited Spot Appaloosas Ranch
38232 Courtney Creek Rd
Brownsville, OR 97327
Toni & Rick Petersen. Visit with the Petersens at the Limited Spot Appaloosas Horse Ranch. They have sires, mares, foals for sale and more!
Wishing Starr FarmsBrownsville, OR 97327
(541) 367-8882
info@appaloosas.comToni & Rick Petersen. Visit with the Petersens at the Limited Spot Appaloosas Horse Ranch. They have sires, mares, foals for sale and more!
34885 Lake Creek Dr
Brownsville, OR 97327
At Wishing Starr Farms, we strive to produce the best POA ponies possible. To us, this is a pony with the conformation to win at halter, the movement to be a comfortable ride, and the disposition and temperament to become a wonderful addition to your family.
Brownsville, OR 97327
(541) 979-6962
(541) 974-6630
brittney@wishingstarrfarms.comAt Wishing Starr Farms, we strive to produce the best POA ponies possible. To us, this is a pony with the conformation to win at halter, the movement to be a comfortable ride, and the disposition and temperament to become a wonderful addition to your family.
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