Salem, Oregon Horse Directory
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Alliance Engineering
2700 Market St
Salem, OR 97301
Alliance Engineering designs and engineers horse arenas and pole barns. We are economical, have a quick turn around time, and are easy to work with.
Double H Western Wear, Ranch & Feed StoreSalem, OR 97301
(503) 589-1727
sales@aeoregon.comAlliance Engineering designs and engineers horse arenas and pole barns. We are economical, have a quick turn around time, and are easy to work with.
4198 Silverton Rd NE
Salem, OR 97305
Double H Western Wear, Ranch & Feed Store specializing in western wear, horse blankets, western saddles, english saddles, horse Trailers and other horse and ranch items.
North Valley Hat CompanySalem, OR 97305
(503) 362-4973
(800) 508-4973
doubleh@doublehwesternwear.comDouble H Western Wear, Ranch & Feed Store specializing in western wear, horse blankets, western saddles, english saddles, horse Trailers and other horse and ranch items.
8356 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97306
"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!
Scott Creek Miniature Horse FarmSalem, OR 97306
(503) 371-1110"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!

Visit Scott Creek Miniature Horse Farm's Facebook Page
6100 Aumsville Hwy SE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 585-3100
(503) 580-6827
Scott Creek breeds and sells miniature horses. We specialize in miniature show horse sales. We offer appaloosas, pintos, stallions, mares, foals, and more for sale!
2595 Muscovy Lane SE
Salem, OR 97317
Equine gift baskets filled with horse treats, fleece tail wraps and grooming supplies. Perfect horse show awards, client appreciation gifts, training rewards and special occasion gifts. Colorful and fun fleece tail wraps also sold individually.
American Kiger Horse RegistryFairy Godmother's Carriage ServiceSalem, OR 97317
(541) 490-0923
sales@yourpamperedhorse.comEquine gift baskets filled with horse treats, fleece tail wraps and grooming supplies. Perfect horse show awards, client appreciation gifts, training rewards and special occasion gifts. Colorful and fun fleece tail wraps also sold individually.
Salem, OR 97301
Horse drawn carriage rides for weddings and all occasions! Take your special day over the top with a horse drawn carriage ride!
Graystone Stables / KenDar Tennessee Walking Horses(503) 428-0134
fairygodmotherscarriage@hotmail.comHorse drawn carriage rides for weddings and all occasions! Take your special day over the top with a horse drawn carriage ride!
Salem, OR 97302
Breeding, raising and promoting the natural gaited Tennessee Walker. Tennessee Walkers for sale.
Wild Rides Carriages, LLC(503) 769-5070
Breeding, raising and promoting the natural gaited Tennessee Walker. Tennessee Walkers for sale.
Salem, OR 97308
Horse drawn carriage rides in Salem, Oregon and the Mid Willamette Valley.
(503) 391-7947
iride@wildridescarriages.comHorse drawn carriage rides in Salem, Oregon and the Mid Willamette Valley.
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