Union, Oregon Horse Directory
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Wilderness Horse Camp
PO Box 568
Union, OR 97883
A youth summer resident horseback riding camp. You will receive instruction on trail riding, ride the high mountains, play in creeks, and learn how to live as they did in the old west. You'll sleep in tents, eat hearty western food, and ride your horse all day, everyday. Visit our website for dates and prices.
Union, OR 97883
(888) 420-7855
(541) 562-1181
info@horse-camp.comA youth summer resident horseback riding camp. You will receive instruction on trail riding, ride the high mountains, play in creeks, and learn how to live as they did in the old west. You'll sleep in tents, eat hearty western food, and ride your horse all day, everyday. Visit our website for dates and prices.
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