Wallowa County, Oregon Horse Directory
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Dahlonega MorgansJaz Ranch
Joseph, OR 97846
Jaz Ranch horses and stllions are certified by the National Foundation Quarter Horse Association.
Timberline RealtyWallowa Mountain Outfitters(541) 432-6032
brent@jazranch.comJaz Ranch horses and stllions are certified by the National Foundation Quarter Horse Association.

Visit Wallowa Mountain Outfitters' Facebook Page
PO Box 333
Dundee, OR 97115
(503) 750-2913
(503) 538-8249
mtpacker18@yahoo.comEagle Cap wilderness pack trips and horseback adventures.
2-5 day full service wilderness pack trips.
Remote wilderness elk and deer hunting.
Wallowa, OR 97885
Leading clinician, trainer and horseman specializing in horsemanship, problem solving, and colt starting workshops as well as breeding registered Spanish Mustangs.
Minam River Lodge(541) 886-5101
gtranch@barrycox.comLeading clinician, trainer and horseman specializing in horsemanship, problem solving, and colt starting workshops as well as breeding registered Spanish Mustangs.
Joseph, OR 97846
Offering hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding and wildlife watching in Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
Mt. Dragon Welsh(541) 432-6545
Offering hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding and wildlife watching in Oregon's Eagle Cap Wilderness, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
Joseph, OR 97846
Mt Dragon Welsh Ponies and Cobs. Stock for sale and stallions at stud.
(541) 432-6895
krawls9363@aol.comMt Dragon Welsh Ponies and Cobs. Stock for sale and stallions at stud.
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