Newberg, Oregon Horse Directory
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Andrea Equine Services
Newberg, OR 97132
Professional personal trainer for both horses and their human partners, creating a lifelong trust and working relationship. Andrea focuses on teaching balance and movement to young horses and the fundamentals for both English and western riders to become confident and successful. Colt starting to finishing and everything in between.
Training programs customized for you and your horse, whether it's starting colts the right way, extensive trail riding experience, or overcoming a trust issue.
No stress training along with correct conditioning and movement correction. Your horse will see riding as a challenging, fun activity where he has a partner who he trusts.
Colt starting is done at each horse's schedule. I will not start riding until the respect and understanding requirements are in place. Some horses take one afternoon; others take weeks.
Chehalem Mountain Therapy Riding Center Inc - CMTRCI(503) 508-2786
andreahuirasequine@gmail.comProfessional personal trainer for both horses and their human partners, creating a lifelong trust and working relationship. Andrea focuses on teaching balance and movement to young horses and the fundamentals for both English and western riders to become confident and successful. Colt starting to finishing and everything in between.
Training programs customized for you and your horse, whether it's starting colts the right way, extensive trail riding experience, or overcoming a trust issue.
No stress training along with correct conditioning and movement correction. Your horse will see riding as a challenging, fun activity where he has a partner who he trusts.
Colt starting is done at each horse's schedule. I will not start riding until the respect and understanding requirements are in place. Some horses take one afternoon; others take weeks.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors

Visit Chehalem Mountain Therapy Riding Center Inc - CMTRCI's Facebook Page
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 314-3176 Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Christian Community
- Norwegian Fjord Horse Farms
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
1102 N Springbrook Rd
Newberg, OR 97132
Equine Online Design is a small web development and graphic art business dedicated to producing high-quality website designs and graphic art for logos and web.
Our websites, logo/art designs, and hosting services are tailored to the small business owner who wants a professional presence on the Internet without the high prices of big business designers or the headache of trying to figure it out for themselves.
We work with our clients to assess their particular business needs in order to create an original website or graphic design that will capture the essence of their business. Our goal is your satisfaction with a look and functionality that is original, is generated from your ideas, and expresses your business goals.
Oregon Dream Ponies#165
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 538-6021
info@equineonlinedesign.comEquine Online Design is a small web development and graphic art business dedicated to producing high-quality website designs and graphic art for logos and web.
Our websites, logo/art designs, and hosting services are tailored to the small business owner who wants a professional presence on the Internet without the high prices of big business designers or the headache of trying to figure it out for themselves.
We work with our clients to assess their particular business needs in order to create an original website or graphic design that will capture the essence of their business. Our goal is your satisfaction with a look and functionality that is original, is generated from your ideas, and expresses your business goals.

Visit Oregon Dream Ponies' Facebook Page
16725 NE Hillside Drive
Newberg, OR 97132
(503) 710-2092
OregonDreamPonies@gmail.comOur ponies are a wonderful idea for birthday parties, grand openings
company picnics, church socials, school fundraisers, special occasion, children and adult camps, team building, hand led pony ridesm and picturesm too! Making children's dreams come true by bringing ponies to you.
Oregon Dream Ponies fulfills a lifelong dream for Bob & Kim Taylor. Growing up in an urban lifestyle, Kim rode every pony ride in Oregon. Kim dreamed of having a horse of her very own. One time, Kim even tried to convince her mom that there was room for a pony to live in the garage. Kim's mom did not go for that one. Bob's dream of owning property and running a family business came together in 2010. In June of 2010, Bob & Kim were fortunate enough to be able to purchase 5 beautiful acres in Newberg, Oregon. They now enjoy 6 horses/ponies, a bunch of chickens, 1 goat, 2 ducks, 5 dogs, 1 cat, and 1,100 Christmas trees at the Taylor's Hillside Farm. Being able to share horses with others that are not growing up in an atmosphere where horse ownership is possible is a dream come true for Bob & Kim Taylor!
34260 NE Old Parrett Mountain Road
Newberg, OR 97132
Oxer Ridge Farm is a hunter/jumper training facility located in Newberg, OR. There are 22 total indoor stalls, 9 large grassy pastures with daily turnout, a 80x180 indoor arena, and a 250x350 outdoor arena. There are individual training programs. The trainer is Rene Donley. Contact information for Rene Donley is (503) 747-9626.
Stacey Colgan-Kleikamp Show HorsesUnited SPCANewberg, OR 97132
(503) 925-1830
(503) 747-9626
oxerridgefarm@yahoo.comOxer Ridge Farm is a hunter/jumper training facility located in Newberg, OR. There are 22 total indoor stalls, 9 large grassy pastures with daily turnout, a 80x180 indoor arena, and a 250x350 outdoor arena. There are individual training programs. The trainer is Rene Donley. Contact information for Rene Donley is (503) 747-9626.
P.O. Box 1192
Newberg, OR 97132
Our mission is to promote humane standards and education, prevent and investigate cruelty to animals, to provide shelter for animals, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws relative to animals.
We have assisted the Marion County Sheriff's Department in two seizures of 11 horses this year (2010/2011).
We are a non-profit organization that functions solely on donations. Your donation means we can continue our good work in rescuing animals in need.
Chehalem SaddleryNewberg, OR 97132
(503) 662-0082
retiredbarnqueen@yahoo.comOur mission is to promote humane standards and education, prevent and investigate cruelty to animals, to provide shelter for animals, and to aid in the enforcement of all laws relative to animals.
We have assisted the Marion County Sheriff's Department in two seizures of 11 horses this year (2010/2011).
We are a non-profit organization that functions solely on donations. Your donation means we can continue our good work in rescuing animals in need.
Newberg, OR 97132
Specializing in repairs of English saddles & equipment. Complete re-flocking with 100% real wool, billet replacements, and strapwork repairs. Sales of new Black Country Saddles and used consignment saddles. Professional, certified saddle fitter available for onsite fittings and adjustments.
Double F Stables(503) 538-9900
info@chehalemsaddlery.comSpecializing in repairs of English saddles & equipment. Complete re-flocking with 100% real wool, billet replacements, and strapwork repairs. Sales of new Black Country Saddles and used consignment saddles. Professional, certified saddle fitter available for onsite fittings and adjustments.
Newberg, OR 97132
Full care boarding, groomed indoor arena & outdoor arena, 10x17 & 12x12 matted stalls, hot wash rack, turnouts, tack room, & blanketing. Fed am & pm w/ quality orchard grass/ alfalfa. Strategy (pellet feed), beet pulp, & rice bran included. Close in!
Northwest Saddle Fitter(503) 888-4197
heatherf@onlinenw.comFull care boarding, groomed indoor arena & outdoor arena, 10x17 & 12x12 matted stalls, hot wash rack, turnouts, tack room, & blanketing. Fed am & pm w/ quality orchard grass/ alfalfa. Strategy (pellet feed), beet pulp, & rice bran included. Close in!
Newberg, OR 97132
MSA Certified Saddle Fitter for County Saddlery. Covering OR, WA, and parts of ID. We specialize in "hard to fit" horses, and we have some of the best saddles on the market for horse and rider. Our saddles are all wool flocked, handmade, custom fit saddles constructed of some of the best leather and fit & maintained by an MSA trained saddle fitter. County Saddles - "Best For Backs"
(503) 481-0744
casey@countysaddlery.comMSA Certified Saddle Fitter for County Saddlery. Covering OR, WA, and parts of ID. We specialize in "hard to fit" horses, and we have some of the best saddles on the market for horse and rider. Our saddles are all wool flocked, handmade, custom fit saddles constructed of some of the best leather and fit & maintained by an MSA trained saddle fitter. County Saddles - "Best For Backs"
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