United States Horse Directory
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Tack House, The

Visit Tack House, The's Facebook Page
The Tack House offers a wide variety of equestrian products that range from English and Western horse tack to driving harnesses, horse blankets, halters, helmet covers, clothing, and horse-themed gifts. The Tack House also offers free shipping on all domestic orders over $100 (as of July 2011).

Visit Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders' and Exhibitors' Association - TWHBEA's Facebook Page
250 N Ellington Pkwy
Lewisburg, TN 37091
(931) 359-1574

Visit Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association - TOBA's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 910668
Lexington, KY 40591
(888) 606-TOBA
(859) 276-2291

Visit Trade Horses' Facebook Page
Created in 2009, TradeHorses.com is a website for buying and selling horses, equine properties, trailers, tack, clothing, etc.
Fort Worth TX
Breeder and importer of PRE (Pure Raza EspaƱola) horses. We breed for dressage movement and also for breeding and halter prospects. We also breed American Aztecas, Iberians, and half-Andalusians.
U.S. Trotting Association, The - USTAUltimate Equine Dressage Horses(817) 271-5889
(817) 448-8020
Breeder and importer of PRE (Pure Raza EspaƱola) horses. We breed for dressage movement and also for breeding and halter prospects. We also breed American Aztecas, Iberians, and half-Andalusians.

Visit Ultimate Equine Dressage Horses' Facebook Page
(800) 510-4479
dressage@ultmateequine.comOffering dressage horses from leading European breeders. Top young prospects up to Grand Prix competitors are available at competitive prices.
Specializing in amateur friendly geldings of all ages. Ultimate Equine makes importing your next dressage horse easy by handling all aspects of the transaction, from finding the best horses to import arrangements.
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- Alabama (145/67)
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