United States Horse Directory
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Fine Equine Stables, TheFinish Line Fencing
2270 US Highway 30
Oswego, IL 60543
Leading retailer of horse fencing.
Fire Blue FarmOswego, IL 60543
(815) 246-3088
sales@redstonesupplyLeading retailer of horse fencing.

Visit Fire Blue Farm's Facebook Page
Foxx Creek Farm
281 Long Hill Rd
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
(908) 872-2666
Fire Blue Farm is a horse farm in central New Jersey specializing in English and western riding lessons.
Fire Blue Farm is now located on the luxurious Foxx Creek Farm!
Deborah Ash - Trainer/Instructor/Management
RIDING LESSONS - English & Western Lessons Available
These are not your typical riding lessons! If you're tired of the same old walk-trot-canter lessons, give our lessons a try. At Fire Blue Farm, we focus on the relationship between horse and rider and teaching our riders to understand and connect with their horse. You've read about these methods from top trainers like George Morris; now learn the techniques on horseback yourself. With a focus on the traditional seat, safety, and understanding your horse, our lessons are perfect for riders of all skill levels, beginner through advanced.
There are a limited number of stalls available, with a preference for those in training with Deborah Ash. For more information contact Deborah Ash at 908-872-2666.
- Matted Stalls
- Indoor Wash Stall with Hot & Cold Running Water
- Large Outdoor Arena (350'x250')
- Large Indoor Arena (100'x210') - with access from barn
- Round Pen
- Lounge with viewing area of the Indoor Arena
- Manicured trails cover acres of the property
- A comprehensive facility with a private barn atmosphere
5669 CR 401
Henderson, TX 75654
Experience freedom and independence riding equines. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities through programs of horsemanship and education.
Firefly FarmHenderson, TX 75654
(903) 740-3473
fire_horse_farm@yahoo.comExperience freedom and independence riding equines. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities through programs of horsemanship and education.
898 Gipsy Trail Rd
Carmel, NY 10512
Horse boarding, trails, and riding ring.
Firefly New MediaCarmel, NY 10512
(845) 306-7437
Rudester33@yahoo.comHorse boarding, trails, and riding ring.

Firefly New Media specializes in web design and media production for the thoroughbred industry. Clients include Hold Your Horses Magazine, Equine Gateway, Derby Daze Farm, and Another Episode Farm. Get your professional Thoroughbred website today!
10984 Meadows Road
White City, OR 97503
Andalusian horse sales and breeding, black Andalusian stallion, and information about the Andalusian horse.
Firehorse FarmsWhite City, OR 97503
(541) 826-8301
Andalusian horse sales and breeding, black Andalusian stallion, and information about the Andalusian horse.
(941) 448-3109
firehorsefarms@aol.comPremium forages and year round supply.
Firehorse Farms is your leader. 3300 acres in the Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York provide us with fertile soil and optimal weather conditions for premium horse quality hays. We offer nationwide delivery.
We provide: timothy, timothy/alfalfa, orchard/alfalfa, orchard/grassmix, and alfalfa/grassmix.
For pricing and delivery schedules, contact Richard at the phone number or email address above.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Pryor, OK 74361
Firestone Ranch riding lessons are a fun experience for you, your kids, or both! We are centrally located in Pryor, Oklahoma. Our major goal is to instill confidence in our riders. We can provide lesson horses and tack, or you can bring your own! We do not offer group lessons unless it is family. We offer lessons in western, English, showing, halter, basic riding, show jumping, poles, barrels, and many other specialty areas! We also offer 30, 60, or 90 day horse training. WE DO NOT BREAK! We will fine tune your horse or train him in that specialty area. Any type of showing is our specialty.
We also will coach kids in shows and will also do any type of grooming at shows!
Fireworks Farm(918) 237-3739
firestone.ranch@gmail.comFirestone Ranch riding lessons are a fun experience for you, your kids, or both! We are centrally located in Pryor, Oklahoma. Our major goal is to instill confidence in our riders. We can provide lesson horses and tack, or you can bring your own! We do not offer group lessons unless it is family. We offer lessons in western, English, showing, halter, basic riding, show jumping, poles, barrels, and many other specialty areas! We also offer 30, 60, or 90 day horse training. WE DO NOT BREAK! We will fine tune your horse or train him in that specialty area. Any type of showing is our specialty.
We also will coach kids in shows and will also do any type of grooming at shows!
Cloverdale Rd
Anderson, CA 96007
We are a small breeding operation located in northern California and focusing on Pinto Hackney ponies and endangered St. Croix sheep. We offer at stud a double registered Pinto Hackney pony stallion with a multi-champion pedigree, a Champion Pedigree Blue Merle Australian Shepherd, and a black Standard Poodle. We are located near an internationally approved semen collection & shipment facility that is also AKC-approved; transported semen avail. year-round. Small number of offspring from our sheep and pony breeding programs available.
Anderson, CA 96007
(530) 357-5007
(951) 235-7109
PPressLLC@aol.comWe are a small breeding operation located in northern California and focusing on Pinto Hackney ponies and endangered St. Croix sheep. We offer at stud a double registered Pinto Hackney pony stallion with a multi-champion pedigree, a Champion Pedigree Blue Merle Australian Shepherd, and a black Standard Poodle. We are located near an internationally approved semen collection & shipment facility that is also AKC-approved; transported semen avail. year-round. Small number of offspring from our sheep and pony breeding programs available.
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