United States Horse Directory
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Sigfridson Wood Products
125 Fitzgerald Road
Brooklyn, CT 06234
Post and beam contractors. Specializes in custom designing and building structures.
Signature Friesians and Gypsy Horses WorldwideBrooklyn, CT 06234
(860) 774-2075
Post and beam contractors. Specializes in custom designing and building structures.
Importing quality Friesian horses.
Signature Limited Stables- Friesian Horse Farms and Stallions
- Gypsy Vanner Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
373 Mechlin Corner Rd
Pittstown, NJ 08867
Signature StablesPittstown, NJ 08867
(732) 207-8264
11700 NW 8th Street
Plantation, FL 33325
Signature Stables is located in Plantation Acres only a half mile from the Plantation Equestrian Center. We strive to meet all of your boarding and training needs. Private and group lessons for children and adults.
-Lighted riding ring
-12x12 stalls with aluminum bars and feed window
- Matted floors over sand
- Individual fans
- Daily turnout in grass paddocks
- Customized premium feed twice daily
- Timothy / Alfalfa hay fed twice daily
- Water treatment system
- 12ft aisle way
- Farrier / veterinarian holding
- 24 Hour security on premises
Signature West FarmsPlantation, FL 33325
(954) 655-2195
dmbickham@bellsouth.netSignature Stables is located in Plantation Acres only a half mile from the Plantation Equestrian Center. We strive to meet all of your boarding and training needs. Private and group lessons for children and adults.
-Lighted riding ring
-12x12 stalls with aluminum bars and feed window
- Matted floors over sand
- Individual fans
- Daily turnout in grass paddocks
- Customized premium feed twice daily
- Timothy / Alfalfa hay fed twice daily
- Water treatment system
- 12ft aisle way
- Farrier / veterinarian holding
- 24 Hour security on premises
A full service lesson, training and show barn located in Spanaway, Washington.
Silver Carriagewww.signaturewestfarms.com/
Glenwood Springs, CO
Harness training. Carriage rides & sleigh rides: This beautiful "Vis a Vis" carriage features plush burgundy velvet seats for up to 6 people. The exterior is black with white pin striping. The convertible top is easily adjusted for weather conditions.
Silver Creek Equestrian Club(970) 945-9604
david@silvercarriage.comHarness training. Carriage rides & sleigh rides: This beautiful "Vis a Vis" carriage features plush burgundy velvet seats for up to 6 people. The exterior is black with white pin striping. The convertible top is easily adjusted for weather conditions.
5025 Bovina Cut-off Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Silver Dollar StablesVicksburg, MS 39180
(601) 638-8988
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Training Stables
- Event Facilities
205 Climo Lane
Zelienople, PA 16063
Small, private facility located minutes from Cranberry Twp.
"We care for your horse like our own!"
Silver Drache FarmZelienople, PA 16063
chef23@verizon.netSmall, private facility located minutes from Cranberry Twp.
"We care for your horse like our own!"

Visit Silver Drache Farm's Facebook Page
19919 Mule Barn Road
Westfield, IN 46074
Silver Drache Farm is located north of Indianapolis, Indiana, in Hamilton County horse country. Surrounded by deer, elk, and pony farms, our horses enjoy the benefits of ample grassy turnout and a carefully managed herd environment that creates contented, well-socialized stallions and is ideal for developing sound, healthy equine partners.
The Norwegian Fjord and the Shire horse breeds, both being rarely seen in this part of the United States, are as at home in rural Indiana as they may have once been in their native countries of Norway and Britain. We strive to continue conservancy of both of these rare breeds and to represent the most ideal conformations of each.
Please visit our 'News' page or 'Like' us on Facebook to find our next exhibition or show date. Visitors and group inquires welcome – please call or email Andréa at your convenience. Thank you for spending time visiting our website; we hope that you'll pay us a visit if you're in the area. If you would like more information or have a question about our horses, breeding, training program, or regarding using drafts for riding purposes, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Shire Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Norwegian Fjord Horse Farms
- Dressage Stables
13411 Il Route 176
Woodstock, IL. 60098
A wonderful family-run horse boarding facility in Woodstock, IL. Indoor/outdoor arenas, and trails adjacent to property. Top quality feed and hay twice/day. Turnout and stall cleaning 365 days/year. We offer some of the very best in horse care. Call or email for more info.
Woodstock, IL. 60098
(815) 206-4784
(815) 575-0454
lrmcconnell@aol.comA wonderful family-run horse boarding facility in Woodstock, IL. Indoor/outdoor arenas, and trails adjacent to property. Top quality feed and hay twice/day. Turnout and stall cleaning 365 days/year. We offer some of the very best in horse care. Call or email for more info.
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