United States Horse Directory
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Simmons Physical Therapy / Cedar Knoll Farm, Inc.
2560 N CR 20 W
North Vernon, IN 47265
Providing physical therapy for individuals in southern Indiana, using hippotherapy techniques. Licensed physical therapist.
Please note: We are NOT doing recreational horseback riding at this time.
Simple Gifts FarmNorth Vernon, IN 47265
(812) 352-4095
clthomas@stvincent.orgProviding physical therapy for individuals in southern Indiana, using hippotherapy techniques. Licensed physical therapist.
Please note: We are NOT doing recreational horseback riding at this time.
2466 Bergey Rd
Harleysville, PA 19438
At Simple Gifts Farm, owned and operated by Anita Imms, we believe that it is a gift to develop a relationship with a horse, a gift founded on trust and confidence and fostered by consistent work and sound and established classical riding principles. Whether you have never ridden before, are a beginner, or are an advanced rider, we can design a program to foster your individual progress and improve your riding. Riders learn that horses are not to be forced to carry us in a particular way, but that it is the rider's goal to assist the horse in finding their balance and allowing their natural movements to develop to their fullest potential.
We believe that our experiences with horses also convey essential truths about ourselves learned in the process of striving for improvement. Riding, like life, is a journey of personal growth encountered in responding to challenges presented and the joy experienced in each lesson and at each level.
Safe schoolmaster horses are the best teachers of all, allowing each student to develop increased leadership qualities, communication skills, self-confidence, self-control, balance, patience, compassion, and more. Students receive hands-on experience at all levels of ability. During the process, students explore the role of their body in communication between horse and rider and experience the impact of working with the horse through a shared understanding of rhythm and security.
SImply 3-DayHarleysville, PA 19438
(610) 324-2339
(610) 287-8959
Anita@simplegiftsfarmequestrianschool.coAt Simple Gifts Farm, owned and operated by Anita Imms, we believe that it is a gift to develop a relationship with a horse, a gift founded on trust and confidence and fostered by consistent work and sound and established classical riding principles. Whether you have never ridden before, are a beginner, or are an advanced rider, we can design a program to foster your individual progress and improve your riding. Riders learn that horses are not to be forced to carry us in a particular way, but that it is the rider's goal to assist the horse in finding their balance and allowing their natural movements to develop to their fullest potential.
We believe that our experiences with horses also convey essential truths about ourselves learned in the process of striving for improvement. Riding, like life, is a journey of personal growth encountered in responding to challenges presented and the joy experienced in each lesson and at each level.
Safe schoolmaster horses are the best teachers of all, allowing each student to develop increased leadership qualities, communication skills, self-confidence, self-control, balance, patience, compassion, and more. Students receive hands-on experience at all levels of ability. During the process, students explore the role of their body in communication between horse and rider and experience the impact of working with the horse through a shared understanding of rhythm and security.

Visit SImply 3-Day's Facebook Page
69 Bonanza Creek Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87508
(505) 670-2325
gilyy@simply3-day.comAt Simply 3-Day, our focus is to gain horsemanship through positive instruction and patience. Nothing will happen overnight when it comes to a horse. Learning is a difficult process, and it should be encouraged, not criticized. You will learn more from your mistakes than you will from your victories.
Simply 3-Day offers complete lesson plans as well as ala carte lessons. Boarding is available in a first-class facility.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors
2023 Road 1 East
Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Sindy Thompson Training Stables tailors a unique program for each individual horse and rider combination. STS Stables offers full training, full care, and lesson programs for all ages and levels. Lesson horses are available. We provide a positive and relaxed atmosphere for both horse and rider. Our team competes in Arizona horse shows, and we skip over to California sometimes for fun. Full training, lesson programs, lesson horses, grooming, and care services offered. Sale horses and lease horses may be found in the Chino Valley location as well as the sister stable in Scottsdale.
Single Leaf Equestrian PhotographyChino Valley, AZ 86323
(928) 308-8971
sindythompson@cableone.netSindy Thompson Training Stables tailors a unique program for each individual horse and rider combination. STS Stables offers full training, full care, and lesson programs for all ages and levels. Lesson horses are available. We provide a positive and relaxed atmosphere for both horse and rider. Our team competes in Arizona horse shows, and we skip over to California sometimes for fun. Full training, lesson programs, lesson horses, grooming, and care services offered. Sale horses and lease horses may be found in the Chino Valley location as well as the sister stable in Scottsdale.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
4427 Lawndale Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Compelling equestrian photography. Our services include ads, press releases, articles, photographs and fine art prints. Visit our online portfolio or 2006 events page to see our current work.
Sitter DownsFayetteville, AR 72701
(479) 225-6861
singleleafphoto@gmail.comCompelling equestrian photography. Our services include ads, press releases, articles, photographs and fine art prints. Visit our online portfolio or 2006 events page to see our current work.
Lone Jack, MO 64070
Board your horse with us! Close to Kansas City, Missouri. Acres of trails.
Six Pound FarmSixty Equestrian CenterBoard your horse with us! Close to Kansas City, Missouri. Acres of trails.
5925 FM 1863
Bulverde, TX 78163
The Sixty Equestrian Center is a horseback riding school specializing in English style dressage and hunter jumping lessons. Students as young as four and as old as forever young come to our stable to experience the joy of being with a horse.
Skagit Valley Pony Club - SVPCSkanda EquineBulverde, TX 78163
(830) 980-9573
sixtyec@sbcglobal.netThe Sixty Equestrian Center is a horseback riding school specializing in English style dressage and hunter jumping lessons. Students as young as four and as old as forever young come to our stable to experience the joy of being with a horse.

Visit Skanda Equine's Facebook Page
4000 Mosley Road
Cazenovia, NY 13035
(315) 882-5490
marion@skandaequine.comLocated in beautiful Cazenovia in the heart of Equine Alley, minutes from Cazenovia College and Morrisville College off Rt 20; Skanda Equine boasts a 34 stall boarding facility focused on the relationship between the horse and the rider. All disciplines are welcome, and our instructors offer lessons in western pleasure, centered riding, hunt seat, and dressage. We also specialize in training and are unique with our gaited horse program. Clinics and workshops are held throughout the year, and we offer layover services to equine travelers, assisting with hotel accommodations 5 minutes from our facility. Indoor/outdoor arenas.
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