United States Horse Directory
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Skibbereen Farm
5142 Bussendorfer Rd
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Skies R BlueSkip Ahead Dressage, LLC.Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 648-1908
1708 Hedding Road
Mansfield, NJ 08022
Boarding - Training - Instruction - Sales. Private dressage facility featuring a mirrored indoor arena and regulation size outdoor arena. Care of your horse is tailored to fit your needs and the care you want! Call or email today to set up an appointment to see our facility.
Skore AcademyMansfield, NJ 08022
(609) 744-4894
nicole@skipaheaddressage.comBoarding - Training - Instruction - Sales. Private dressage facility featuring a mirrored indoor arena and regulation size outdoor arena. Care of your horse is tailored to fit your needs and the care you want! Call or email today to set up an appointment to see our facility.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
4674 W 183rd St
Stilwell, KS 66085
A professional and progressive level-based horseback riding academy providing instruction in the basics of the American Forward Riding System.
Skore Academy is for everyone - from your child's very first riding lesson to those who want to sharpen their skills for competition at national horse shows.
Sky Ranch StablesStilwell, KS 66085
(913) 787-5275
(816) 810-3050
skoreacademy@gmail.comA professional and progressive level-based horseback riding academy providing instruction in the basics of the American Forward Riding System.
Skore Academy is for everyone - from your child's very first riding lesson to those who want to sharpen their skills for competition at national horse shows.
23405 NW Morland Rd
North Plains, OR 97133
This wonderful horse facility has 25 stalls for boarding and offers 175 acres of pastures, meadows, and wooded property with over 30 miles of riding trails connected directly from the ranch. Shown by appointment only.
The mares and geldings have separate barns and fields. Horses are turned out daily, weather permitting. Full service or partial care.
SkyBar FarmNorth Plains, OR 97133
(503) 621-3654
This wonderful horse facility has 25 stalls for boarding and offers 175 acres of pastures, meadows, and wooded property with over 30 miles of riding trails connected directly from the ranch. Shown by appointment only.
The mares and geldings have separate barns and fields. Horses are turned out daily, weather permitting. Full service or partial care.
123 Crimm Rd
Ford City, PA 16226
We are a small Quarter Horse farm located in eastern Iowa. We are currently standing Larks Gold, palomino grandson of 2 time Super Horse Rugged Lark. We also offer boarding, training, lessons and sales. We occasionally have tack for sale, also.
SkyFire FarmFord City, PA 16226
(724) 763-8041
We are a small Quarter Horse farm located in eastern Iowa. We are currently standing Larks Gold, palomino grandson of 2 time Super Horse Rugged Lark. We also offer boarding, training, lessons and sales. We occasionally have tack for sale, also.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
South Road
Sharon, NH 03458
Excellent care and reasonable rates. We have one stall available in our state of the art horse barn. 12x12 box stall, large cross tied center isle, wash stall, tack room, run in shed, daily pasture turn out, and lots of love! Fully insured... $325.00/mo (as of Jan 2010).
Skyhawke FarmSharon, NH 03458
(603) 924-7551
(603) 345-0380
nhland@wildblue.netExcellent care and reasonable rates. We have one stall available in our state of the art horse barn. 12x12 box stall, large cross tied center isle, wash stall, tack room, run in shed, daily pasture turn out, and lots of love! Fully insured... $325.00/mo (as of Jan 2010).

Visit Skyhawke Farm's Facebook Page
(856) 466-6807
Ricochet25@msn.comFamily owned horse and pony farm. Specializing in trail riding and driving horses.
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
176 US Highway 202
Ringoes, NJ 08551
Find riding apparel and accessories, horse tack, horse blankets and sheets, horse supplies, books and DVDs, jewelry, and gifts. We also offer saddle fitting, tack repair, embroidery, engraving, and other services. Specializing in dressage.
Skylight Equestrian Center & Outlaw Paint HorsesRingoes, NJ 08551
(908) 782-1944
info@skylandssaddlery.comFind riding apparel and accessories, horse tack, horse blankets and sheets, horse supplies, books and DVDs, jewelry, and gifts. We also offer saddle fitting, tack repair, embroidery, engraving, and other services. Specializing in dressage.
18166 N Skylight Mtn Rd
Canehill, AR 72717
Training & lesson services offered. 30+ years of experience in dressage, jumping, and eventing. 10+ experience in general and specialized western. I have shown up to national level eventing in Germany. Lessons are offered on a private or group basis. Horses can be provided, or bring your own. Stadium jump and cross country jumps on site. Reasonable rates! Will travel to your location; inquire about rates. My students have successfully shown up to state level.
Canehill, AR 72717
(479) 595-9665
dee@outlawpaints.comTraining & lesson services offered. 30+ years of experience in dressage, jumping, and eventing. 10+ experience in general and specialized western. I have shown up to national level eventing in Germany. Lessons are offered on a private or group basis. Horses can be provided, or bring your own. Stadium jump and cross country jumps on site. Reasonable rates! Will travel to your location; inquire about rates. My students have successfully shown up to state level.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Equine Marketing
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