United States Horse Directory
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Sporthorse Saddlery LLC

Visit Sporthorse Saddlery LLC's Facebook Page
Crossroad Center
56849 Grand River Ave, Suite 800
New Hudson, MI 48165
(248) 486-5616
(800) 854-7144
472 County Road 3540
Leesburg, TX 75451
A small scale family run breeding farm that focuses on producing vividly colored Appaloosas with good manners, athletic ability and desirable conformation.
Spotted Horse MinistriesLeesburg, TX 75451
(808) 271-3939
spottedanddotted@hotmail.comA small scale family run breeding farm that focuses on producing vividly colored Appaloosas with good manners, athletic ability and desirable conformation.
6310 E Trout Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47805
We at Spotted Horse Ministries are dedicated to spreading the word of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that you cannot keep Jesus until you give him away. It is our goal to provide restoration, healing, and deliverance - cowboy style.
We offer Bible school horse camp, Bible study, cowboy church services, couples workshops, team building workshops, and riding lessons.
Contact us to discuss your needs.
Spotted TreasuresTerre Haute, IN 47805
(812) 466-4130
renetta@spottedhorseministries.comWe at Spotted Horse Ministries are dedicated to spreading the word of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that you cannot keep Jesus until you give him away. It is our goal to provide restoration, healing, and deliverance - cowboy style.
We offer Bible school horse camp, Bible study, cowboy church services, couples workshops, team building workshops, and riding lessons.
Contact us to discuss your needs.
113 Armstrong Lake Road
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Appaloosa farm.
Spotz FarmCrystal Falls, MI 49920
(906) 875-3858
SpottedTreasures@netscape.netAppaloosa farm.
7169 North Bank Road
Roseburg, OR 97470
Specializing in American Saddlebred pinto breeding and show horses.
Spread, TheRoseburg, OR 97470
(541) 673-6016
asbpinto@aol.comSpecializing in American Saddlebred pinto breeding and show horses.
14108 Bridgeport
Houston, TX 77047
Affordable horseback riding, riding lessons, and trail rides in the heart of Houston. Located just 7 miles from downtown off of Highway 288.
Spring Creek FarmHouston, TX 77047
(832) 477-6790
ruthsamjos@aol.comAffordable horseback riding, riding lessons, and trail rides in the heart of Houston. Located just 7 miles from downtown off of Highway 288.
Spring Creek Farm is a lovely, two hundred year old horse and pony farm located at the end of a quiet lane, located near routes 422 and 100 in northern Chester Co., near Pottstown, Pennsylvania. We offer beginner and intermediate riding instruction.
Spring Creek Horse Rescuewww.springcreek-farm.com/

39908 US Hwy 160
Bayfield, CO 81122
(970) 884-4425
springcreekhorserescue@yahoo.comSpring Creek Horse Rescue is a nonprofit horse shelter located in Bayfield, Colorado, near Durango. Our goal is to save abused and neglected horses. We have a number of horses for adoption.
A full service equestrian center located on 12 acres in Portola Valley California, midway between San Francisco and San Jose. The friendly place to learn to ride and enjoy the world of horses.
Spring Haven Stableswww.springdown.com/
8228 St Rt 163
Millstadt, IL 62260
Spring Haven Stables is located 12 miles from downtown St. Louis and 18 miles from the JB Bridge in Millstadt, IL. We offer quality boarding and experienced trainers in a family friendly environment. Monthly rate includes morning and evening grain, hay three times daily, large stalls, daily turnout on pasture with hay quality round bales, and daily stall cleaning. Our facilities include a large indoor arena for year round riding, an all weather outdoor arena, a round pen, and on-site farrier and veterinarian services. We are a multi-discipline boarding facility with training available in: dressage, hunter/jumper, western pleasure, and reining. We offer riding lessons for ages 4 & up. Come tour our facilities, and speak with our facility managers and trainers.
Millstadt, IL 62260
(618) 538-5658
(314) 757-7780
barrelbanger@msn.comSpring Haven Stables is located 12 miles from downtown St. Louis and 18 miles from the JB Bridge in Millstadt, IL. We offer quality boarding and experienced trainers in a family friendly environment. Monthly rate includes morning and evening grain, hay three times daily, large stalls, daily turnout on pasture with hay quality round bales, and daily stall cleaning. Our facilities include a large indoor arena for year round riding, an all weather outdoor arena, a round pen, and on-site farrier and veterinarian services. We are a multi-discipline boarding facility with training available in: dressage, hunter/jumper, western pleasure, and reining. We offer riding lessons for ages 4 & up. Come tour our facilities, and speak with our facility managers and trainers.
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