United States Horse Directory
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Stargate Farm
631 Rt 524
Allentown, NJ 08501
Conveniently located across from Horse Park of New Jersey.
Our state-of-the-art boarding facility offers a huge, mirrored indoor area, an outdoor enclosed riding area, a round pen, lessons, and much more. Visit our website for details today.
Starkey Farrier ServiceAllentown, NJ 08501
(732) 740-3981
stargatefarm@aol.comConveniently located across from Horse Park of New Jersey.
Our state-of-the-art boarding facility offers a huge, mirrored indoor area, an outdoor enclosed riding area, a round pen, lessons, and much more. Visit our website for details today.
611 TR 851
Ashland, OH 44805
I am a farrier with 15 years of experience under my belt. During my career I have worked with stock, gaited, and draft breeds, so I am well educated with the different shoeing requirements for each. I also have extensive knowledge in lameness issues and corrective shoeing.
I offer self forged hand made shoes for those who are interested.
I also offer special rates for large groups, full barns, or 4h clubs, so feel free to ask!
Starlight CarriagesAshland, OH 44805
(419) 908-5114
cpah_starkey@yahoo.comI am a farrier with 15 years of experience under my belt. During my career I have worked with stock, gaited, and draft breeds, so I am well educated with the different shoeing requirements for each. I also have extensive knowledge in lameness issues and corrective shoeing.
I offer self forged hand made shoes for those who are interested.
I also offer special rates for large groups, full barns, or 4h clubs, so feel free to ask!
PO Box 352
Rosenhayn, NJ 08352
Romantic horse drawn carriages.
Starlight RanchStarlight Ranch DesignsStarlight StablesRosenhayn, NJ 08352
(856) 453-5955
(856) 534-0449
Romantic horse drawn carriages.
19021 NE 128th St
Liberty, MO 64068
Fun horseback riding lessons for all ages. Special gift packages and children's horse day camps. Academy of Riding Starlight Stables is located in Missouri just outside Kansas City. School master horses and equipment available. All styles, all ages!
Starstruck FarmsState Line Tack Outlet StoreStatesman's SignatureLiberty, MO 64068
(816) 628-6569
starlight@embarqmail.comFun horseback riding lessons for all ages. Special gift packages and children's horse day camps. Academy of Riding Starlight Stables is located in Missouri just outside Kansas City. School master horses and equipment available. All styles, all ages!
(917) 674-1534
marthe@aboutsigi.comMorgan stallion Statesmans Signature, aka Sigi.
Mobile Services
Westminster, CO 80031
Stay Gold Veterinary Acupuncture (SGVA) is a mobile veterinary medical acupuncture service for large and small animals. It is owned and operated by Dr. Christina Petrandis, a veterinarian certified in medical acupuncture.
SGVA is based out of Denver, CO, and serves the surrounding areas of Lakewood, Wheatridge, Arvada, Westminster, Boulder, Broomfield, Platteville, and more.
SGVA offers medical acupuncture to dogs, cats, horses, small ruminants, and livestock, all in the comfort of your home or barn! We believe in a multimodal approach to patient care and enjoy integrating modern medicine with science-based acupuncture in order to optimize the health of your animal. We are experienced in both large and small animal medicine, and we look forward to working closely with your regular veterinarian to provide the best care for your animal.
If you are a veterinarian who would like to offer acupuncture to your clients, please contact us regarding our in-clinic services.
We look forward to working with you and answering any questions you may have. Please call today to book your appointment or send us a message via our contact page.
Thank you for your interest in Stay Gold Veterinary Acupuncture!
Westminster, CO 80031
(970) 231-7648
DrPetrandis@gmail.comStay Gold Veterinary Acupuncture (SGVA) is a mobile veterinary medical acupuncture service for large and small animals. It is owned and operated by Dr. Christina Petrandis, a veterinarian certified in medical acupuncture.
SGVA is based out of Denver, CO, and serves the surrounding areas of Lakewood, Wheatridge, Arvada, Westminster, Boulder, Broomfield, Platteville, and more.
SGVA offers medical acupuncture to dogs, cats, horses, small ruminants, and livestock, all in the comfort of your home or barn! We believe in a multimodal approach to patient care and enjoy integrating modern medicine with science-based acupuncture in order to optimize the health of your animal. We are experienced in both large and small animal medicine, and we look forward to working closely with your regular veterinarian to provide the best care for your animal.
If you are a veterinarian who would like to offer acupuncture to your clients, please contact us regarding our in-clinic services.
We look forward to working with you and answering any questions you may have. Please call today to book your appointment or send us a message via our contact page.
Thank you for your interest in Stay Gold Veterinary Acupuncture!
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