United States Horse Directory
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Stepping Stones Therapeutic Riding, Inc.
620 W Hurd Road
Monroe, MI 48162
We provide therapeutic horseback riding and related activities to challenged riders of all ages in Monroe County and the Downriver Detroit area.
Riding sessions are provided in the spring, summer, and fall. Each session is six weeks in length for one hour each week. In addition, riders may participate in the Monroe County Fair through the Michigan 4-H Proud Equestrians Program (PEP). Riders range in age from 4 to 60+. Their experience and riding abilities also vary from those needing substantial assistance to independent riders. The program teaches horsemanship and riding skills adapted to fit the individual needs of each rider. To ensure the safety of riders and maximize the physical and developmental benefits of the program, Stepping Stones lessons are taught by instructors certified through PATH Intl. (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International). Stepping Stones involves many volunteers who assist riders with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.
Sterling EquestrianSterling Farms DressageMonroe, MI 48162
(734) 241-0195
info@steppingstonesmonroe.orgWe provide therapeutic horseback riding and related activities to challenged riders of all ages in Monroe County and the Downriver Detroit area.
Riding sessions are provided in the spring, summer, and fall. Each session is six weeks in length for one hour each week. In addition, riders may participate in the Monroe County Fair through the Michigan 4-H Proud Equestrians Program (PEP). Riders range in age from 4 to 60+. Their experience and riding abilities also vary from those needing substantial assistance to independent riders. The program teaches horsemanship and riding skills adapted to fit the individual needs of each rider. To ensure the safety of riders and maximize the physical and developmental benefits of the program, Stepping Stones lessons are taught by instructors certified through PATH Intl. (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International). Stepping Stones involves many volunteers who assist riders with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.

Visit Sterling Farms Dressage's Facebook Page
1160 Little Gopher Canyon Rd
Vista, CA 92084
(760) 726-7253
jane@sterlingfarmsinc.comA top-quality dressage training facility in North County San Diego provides excellent stabling for your horse, an international size dressage arena with superior arena footing, and a peaceful location to ride and work with a professional trainer.
5 Anusesky Lane
Stillwater, NY 12170
Equine & Pet Photography
Steve Bertone is an award winning portrait, equine, and pet photographer located in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Steve Cruse Show HorsesStillwater, NY 12170
(518) 664-3738
photos@stevebertonephotography.comEquine & Pet Photography
Steve Bertone is an award winning portrait, equine, and pet photographer located in Saratoga Springs, NY.
11000 Saint John Road
Pilot Point, TX 76258
Steve Cruse is a knowledgeable, professional horseman who has served the Appaloosa industry for 25 years. He promotes the Appaloosa breed with professionalism. Steve provides quality regional show horses for sale.
Steve Imes Training CenterPilot Point, TX 76258
(940) 686-8084
scruse@mindspring.comSteve Cruse is a knowledgeable, professional horseman who has served the Appaloosa industry for 25 years. He promotes the Appaloosa breed with professionalism. Steve provides quality regional show horses for sale.
81 Plains Road
Augusta, NJ 07822
Boarding, breeding, breaking, training, sales, leasing, lessons & clinics; all ages & levels. We specialize in western riding, barrel racing & pole bending. We host NBHA shows and are located next to the Sussex County Fairgrounds. You can ride to the shows! Indoor/outdoor, exercise course, private & semi-private turnout. Farrier on premises. AQHA stallions & babies.
Steve Lantvit Horsemanship / Highgrove Farm Inc.Augusta, NJ 07822
(973) 702-1861
steveimes@earthlink.netBoarding, breeding, breaking, training, sales, leasing, lessons & clinics; all ages & levels. We specialize in western riding, barrel racing & pole bending. We host NBHA shows and are located next to the Sussex County Fairgrounds. You can ride to the shows! Indoor/outdoor, exercise course, private & semi-private turnout. Farrier on premises. AQHA stallions & babies.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables

10257 N Manna Lane
LaPorte, IN 46350
(573) 220-9701
horses@highgrove.comI am a full-time equine professional clinician, trainer, and instructor. My goal is to contribute to the betterment of the relationships between man/woman and horse.
Be sure to watch Steve Lantvit's "Sure in the Saddle" show. The show airs on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm ET and Saturdays at 10:00 am ET on the Universityhouse Channel (channel 9411) on DISH Network. Topics will range from beginner to advanced horsemanship.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
(423) 903-1575
info@steveloftyfarms.comOur website highlights our Clydesdales, equine art and Lofty Construction.
Gardnerville, NV 89460
I am an experienced horse person. I am 16 yrs old (as of Oct 2010) with reliable transportation. Willing to exercise, groom, muck stalls, and any and all other work. I give riding lessons and can handle most any situation.
Still Ridge Farm(775) 450-9244
bittybabe01@yahoo.comI am an experienced horse person. I am 16 yrs old (as of Oct 2010) with reliable transportation. Willing to exercise, groom, muck stalls, and any and all other work. I give riding lessons and can handle most any situation.
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