United States Horse Directory
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Stone Hollow Sport Horses
283 Stone Hollow Road
Johnstown, PA 15905
Training and showing hunters and jumpers; specializing in the Arabian! Teaching riders with their horses to succeed in the sport horse disciplines. We also start youngsters and work with problem horses.
Stone HorseJohnstown, PA 15905
(814) 243-4386
spike25@atlanticbb.netTraining and showing hunters and jumpers; specializing in the Arabian! Teaching riders with their horses to succeed in the sport horse disciplines. We also start youngsters and work with problem horses.
(707) 576-7237
info@stonehorse.bizStone Horse uses draft horses to give horsedrawn carriage rides, to provide farm services such as plowing and mowing, and to move forest resources to access roads.
1375 W Fox Farm Rd
Larkspur, CO 80118
The place to visit for Morgan horses. Horses for sale, too!
Stone Ridge FarmLarkspur, CO 80118
(303) 681-2672
The place to visit for Morgan horses. Horses for sale, too!
2844 Ridge Road
Perkasie, PA 18944
Appendix Quarter Horses. Stone Ridge Farm is a complete horse-care facility located just south of Lake Nockamixon in Perkasie, PA. We offer boarding, breeding and horses for sale.
Stone Tavern FarmPerkasie, PA 18944
(215) 257-0109
Appendix Quarter Horses. Stone Ridge Farm is a complete horse-care facility located just south of Lake Nockamixon in Perkasie, PA. We offer boarding, breeding and horses for sale.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards

Visit Stone Tavern Farm's Facebook Page
2080 Upper Meeker Hollow Rd
Roxbury, NY 12474
(607) 326-3600
stonetavern@catskill.net400 acre horse farm located at dead end of a beautiful hollow. Treat your horse and/or you to a delightful ride in the mountains. Picnic by the stream or campout. Children summer camp - learn all about horses and riding! Memories to last a lifetime.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
13380 Lake Valley Dr
Auburn, CA 95602
Pasture boarding for the everyday and competition horse. Beautiful 16 acre horse property in Auburn, CA. Just a mile from the Lone Star Rd and Highway 49 intersection. Lots of places to ride from the barn or if you trailer out. Includes rotation of dry and irrigated fields, fresh water, and winter hay! Contact for price and availability.
Stonegate StablesAuburn, CA 95602
(530) 401-6900
stonebridge.ca@gmail.comPasture boarding for the everyday and competition horse. Beautiful 16 acre horse property in Auburn, CA. Just a mile from the Lone Star Rd and Highway 49 intersection. Lots of places to ride from the barn or if you trailer out. Includes rotation of dry and irrigated fields, fresh water, and winter hay! Contact for price and availability.
732 Settlemyre Rd
Oregonia, OH 45054
Full care horse boarding located 36 miles north of Cincinnati. Close to Lebanon, Mason, and Waynesville. 5 min. off 71. Matted stalls, attached runs, indoor arena, outdoor arena, round pen, daily turnout, obstacles, trailer parking, trail riding, lessons, and clinics. Private location; owners live on property.
StoneGate Stables - SGSOregonia, OH 45054
(513) 934-1670
(513) 505-2673
stonegatestablesohio@gmail.comFull care horse boarding located 36 miles north of Cincinnati. Close to Lebanon, Mason, and Waynesville. 5 min. off 71. Matted stalls, attached runs, indoor arena, outdoor arena, round pen, daily turnout, obstacles, trailer parking, trail riding, lessons, and clinics. Private location; owners live on property.
24556 James Monroe Hwy
Aldie, VA 20105
Hunter, jumper and equitation training at one of the top equine facilities in the northern Virginia area. Our FT trainer has tremendous experience training and showing hunters and jumpers from VA to CA to FL as well as in England and Germany. Our students and horses show at all levels, including the VHSA Associate shows, MHSA, PHSA as well as USEF "AA" shows and have won tri colors at such "AA" shows as HITS Ocala, HITS Culpeper, USGPL Finals, Lexington, Loudoun Benefit, Roanoke, and Zone III Finals, among others.
We also have some nice show quality hunters and jumpers available for sale or lease (full & partial leases available), as well as short stirrup ponies for those young beginners. Great atmosphere to ride, learn, and compete.
We also have stalls available for lease to professionals. Operate your equestrian business from SGS!
Layups and rehabs welcome.
Stonehaven FarmAldie, VA 20105
(703) 542-5958
info@stonegatestables.comHunter, jumper and equitation training at one of the top equine facilities in the northern Virginia area. Our FT trainer has tremendous experience training and showing hunters and jumpers from VA to CA to FL as well as in England and Germany. Our students and horses show at all levels, including the VHSA Associate shows, MHSA, PHSA as well as USEF "AA" shows and have won tri colors at such "AA" shows as HITS Ocala, HITS Culpeper, USGPL Finals, Lexington, Loudoun Benefit, Roanoke, and Zone III Finals, among others.
We also have some nice show quality hunters and jumpers available for sale or lease (full & partial leases available), as well as short stirrup ponies for those young beginners. Great atmosphere to ride, learn, and compete.
We also have stalls available for lease to professionals. Operate your equestrian business from SGS!
Layups and rehabs welcome.
Centerburg, OH 43011
Breeders of athletic AMHA miniature horses, with the goal of producing world quality driving horses.
Stonehaven Farmsstonehaven_farm@hotmail.com
Breeders of athletic AMHA miniature horses, with the goal of producing world quality driving horses.

351 W Samaria Rd
Temperance, MI 48182
(734) 854-5825
webmaster@stonehavenfarms.netStonehaven Farms is a training, boarding, and riding stable specializing in the hunter/jumper discipline.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Leasing Stables
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