United States Horse Directory
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SureFoot Equestrian Arena Footing
1985 Rutgers University Blvd
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Surefoot™ Equestrian Arena Footing is a unique rubber granule made from 100% scrap tires. Rubberecycle's state of the art facility utilizes the most advanced magnetic separation, eliminating any concern for metal content. This advanced equipment makes Surefoot™ a truly unique product available only through Rubberecycle and its distributors.
Horses perform better on Surefoot™!
Applied according to Rubberecycle's proven formula, Surefoot™ provides superior shock absorption that eases strain on horses. Even the poorest horses will trot comfortably on the bounce-back surface of Surefoot™. Surefoot™ will also improve your arena's appearance! The rubber granules contain miniscule fiber content that retains water, thereby minimizing dust - and your maintenance time. Select from a variety of colors that match your arena, mix with sand, and enjoy the benefits for years!
Surreywood FarmsLakewood, NJ 08701
(888) 436-6846
info@rubberecycle.comSurefoot™ Equestrian Arena Footing is a unique rubber granule made from 100% scrap tires. Rubberecycle's state of the art facility utilizes the most advanced magnetic separation, eliminating any concern for metal content. This advanced equipment makes Surefoot™ a truly unique product available only through Rubberecycle and its distributors.
Horses perform better on Surefoot™!
Applied according to Rubberecycle's proven formula, Surefoot™ provides superior shock absorption that eases strain on horses. Even the poorest horses will trot comfortably on the bounce-back surface of Surefoot™. Surefoot™ will also improve your arena's appearance! The rubber granules contain miniscule fiber content that retains water, thereby minimizing dust - and your maintenance time. Select from a variety of colors that match your arena, mix with sand, and enjoy the benefits for years!
Goshen, NY
A professional boarding facility on 80 acres with grassy fields and peaceful companions. We focus on healthy and happy horses, with a specialty in caring for older horses. Board prices are very reasonable, and you are not paying for facilities you don't use.
Susan McAdoo Photography & Tobruk Video Productions / Tobruk Trailers(914) 475-5488
(914) 325-9982
surreybt@earthlink.netA professional boarding facility on 80 acres with grassy fields and peaceful companions. We focus on healthy and happy horses, with a specialty in caring for older horses. Board prices are very reasonable, and you are not paying for facilities you don't use.
950 Hwy 113
White Pine, TN 37890
The photography of Susan McAdoo. Specializing in photographing Arabian horses as well as other breeds. Also video production and trailer sales.
Susan Sotelo - Your Nevada County RealtorWhite Pine, TN 37890
(865) 397-8304
tobrukfarm@charter.netThe photography of Susan McAdoo. Specializing in photographing Arabian horses as well as other breeds. Also video production and trailer sales.
Susan Sotelo is a real estate professional, committed to representing her clients with a high standard of integrity, professionalism, knowledge and superior customer service in every aspect of buying or selling.
Susan's Saddle Standswww.susansotelo.com/
Paris, TX 75462
Equine art and custom saddle stands. Custom horse and pet portraits. Custom designed saddle stands.
Susie Ashcom, RealtorSusitna Hay - Quality Hay for Sale(903) 785-5247
Equine art and custom saddle stands. Custom horse and pet portraits. Custom designed saddle stands.
(907) 841-9426
Offering quality horse hay at four locations in Alaska: Anchorage, Big Lake, Point Mackenzie, and Wasilla. Square bales and rounds.
Give us a call at 907-841-9426, and check out our website!

Visit Susquehanna Valley Horse Show Association's Facebook Page
9 Mine Road
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 270-9696
steph@crossroadtack.comThe Susquehanna Valley Horse Show Association was formed by a group of horse show enthusiasts dedicated to promoting local equine events. Riders who attend SVHSA approved horse shows can accumulate points in specific divisions. The top riders in each division will win prizes at a year end banquet.
SVHSA currently has sections for hunters, fun shows (including saddleseat, hunt seat, western, showmanship/halter, gaming, and driving), dressage, and jumpers. There will also be a Top Trainer and Top Show Award.

Visit Swan Creek Stables' Facebook Page
214 170th St
Avon, IL 61415
(309) 465-0055
swancreekstables@yahoo.comFamily owned and operated horse boarding, lesson, and training facility located in west central Illinois. 30 minutes from Galesburg, Monmouth, and Macomb.
Inside and outside boarding, lessons, and training. Western pleasure, English hunt seat, and trail classes available. Individual and group lessons. We offer an indoor and outdoor arena. We have 28 rolling acres for outdoor pasture board. We also offer an on-site tack store for all your riding needs.
Check us out for all of your equine needs.
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