United States Horse Directory
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Sweet Water Farms
6940 Peck Rd
Ravenna, OH 44266
We are a full-care facility that offers something for everyone, from the horse that just needs turn-out to the most experienced show person. We have a 60x200 indoor arena, a 200x300 outdoor arena, miles of trails, a washrack, and a heated lounge. We grain 2x a day with generous hay feedings through out the day. We turn-out daily, weather permitting. $400/month (as of Aug 2009).
Sweetgrass Stables, LLCRavenna, OH 44266
(330) 472-8231
Toproyaldeebar@neo.rr.comWe are a full-care facility that offers something for everyone, from the horse that just needs turn-out to the most experienced show person. We have a 60x200 indoor arena, a 200x300 outdoor arena, miles of trails, a washrack, and a heated lounge. We grain 2x a day with generous hay feedings through out the day. We turn-out daily, weather permitting. $400/month (as of Aug 2009).

Visit Sweetgrass Stables, LLC's Facebook Page
W11248 Krome Rd.
Black River Falls, WI 54615
(715) 299-1762 (cell/text)
(715) 284-9074
michelle_greendeer@yahoo.comOnly 5 minutes from Interstate 90/94 in Scenic Black River Falls. 20 stall equine boarding center. Stalls 12x12. Indoor stall boarding includes grain 2X daily. Pasture board available. Overnight horse stays. Multiple horse discount available. Large indoor riding arena with pastures for daily turnout. Indoor warming room, tack room, and outdoor training roundpen. A sports enthusiast's dream! Disabled and families welcome. Shots and negative coggins mandatory. Free trailer parking.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding

3051 Equitation Lane
Bonita, CA 91902
(619) 475-3134
info@sweetwaterhorses.comHorseback riding in San Diego, California. Sweetwater Farms offers English and western horseback riding lessons for all ages, trail rides, training, boarding, and day camps.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Horse Leasing Stables
Imperial Ave
Saint Cloud, FL 34772
Located 4 minutes from the turnpike in the pretty Saint Cloud area. Sweetwater Farm has offered boarding since 1994. Feeding 2x day. $200/month partial board or $300/month full board (rates as of Aug 2011).
Lessons: western only. I have been showing (4H, APHA, PHBA, & OPEN), riding western, and trail riding on the Osceola TR for approximately 50 years. I have been involved in many parades since age 7. I have ridden in CA, TX, and FL. I learned from an Indian woman as a child, the school of hard knocks, and also a few R Shrake clinics (judged world shows). I didn't pay money for a certificate over the internet. Lessons are $25/hour for children, $30 for an hour and a half... riding on registered horses (rates as of Aug 2011).
When we had our APHA paint breeding farm, I delivered many foals and trained my own horses. Although I don't currently do training, I'll be glad to answer questions.
Sweetwind ArabiansSaint Cloud, FL 34772
(407) 891-9211
sweet2frm@wmconnect.comLocated 4 minutes from the turnpike in the pretty Saint Cloud area. Sweetwater Farm has offered boarding since 1994. Feeding 2x day. $200/month partial board or $300/month full board (rates as of Aug 2011).
Lessons: western only. I have been showing (4H, APHA, PHBA, & OPEN), riding western, and trail riding on the Osceola TR for approximately 50 years. I have been involved in many parades since age 7. I have ridden in CA, TX, and FL. I learned from an Indian woman as a child, the school of hard knocks, and also a few R Shrake clinics (judged world shows). I didn't pay money for a certificate over the internet. Lessons are $25/hour for children, $30 for an hour and a half... riding on registered horses (rates as of Aug 2011).
When we had our APHA paint breeding farm, I delivered many foals and trained my own horses. Although I don't currently do training, I'll be glad to answer questions.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
Owasso, OK 74055
Sweetwind Arabians is a small farm located just outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our goal is to breed show-quality Arabians of Western and Halter disciplines.
Swiger Hoof Care(918) 693-0542
nancy@sweetwindarabians.comSweetwind Arabians is a small farm located just outside of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Our goal is to breed show-quality Arabians of Western and Halter disciplines.
2012 Brell Dr
Middletown, OH 45042
My name is Trey Swiger, and I'm a full time farrier in southwest Ohio, northern KY, and eastern IN. I work on everything from backyard horses to high performance horses; everything from minis to drafts; mules and donkeys as well. Always professional, courteous, and punctual. I have over 10 years experience and a Farriers Science degree from Hocking College. Specialize in founder and severely overdue or neglected hooves. Will travel farther for large numbers of horses.
Swish-Gurr FarmsMiddletown, OH 45042
(513) 292-0235
(513) 423-6061
trey_swiger@yahoo.comMy name is Trey Swiger, and I'm a full time farrier in southwest Ohio, northern KY, and eastern IN. I work on everything from backyard horses to high performance horses; everything from minis to drafts; mules and donkeys as well. Always professional, courteous, and punctual. I have over 10 years experience and a Farriers Science degree from Hocking College. Specialize in founder and severely overdue or neglected hooves. Will travel farther for large numbers of horses.
3360 FM 1255
Grand Saline, TX 75140
We are a training facility located in East Texas. We offer English riding lessons to student ages four and up. We start young horses, recondition, and prepare horses for show in the disciplines of classical dressage, centered riding, three-phase eventing, and jumping.
All breeds and students of any riding discipline are welcome and can benefit from classical dressage.
Visit our website for directions and scheduling. Feel free to come watch a lesson or two. We love visitors, and our horses love an audience.
SWT Cuttin Horses IncGrand Saline, TX 75140
(903) 962-3703
(903) 258-3217
info@janiceManderson.comWe are a training facility located in East Texas. We offer English riding lessons to student ages four and up. We start young horses, recondition, and prepare horses for show in the disciplines of classical dressage, centered riding, three-phase eventing, and jumping.
All breeds and students of any riding discipline are welcome and can benefit from classical dressage.
Visit our website for directions and scheduling. Feel free to come watch a lesson or two. We love visitors, and our horses love an audience.
6770 Wheeler Canyon Rd
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Cutting horses for sale. Training and sale conditioning. Specializing in 2-year-olds to finished show horses. Start your 2-year-old correctly for any discipline.
SWT Cutting Inc.Santa Paula, CA 93060
(805) 933-5907
info@swtcuttin.comCutting horses for sale. Training and sale conditioning. Specializing in 2-year-olds to finished show horses. Start your 2-year-old correctly for any discipline.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
6000 Wheeler Cyn Rd
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Cutting horses for sale, trained and sale conditioning. Training 2-year-olds to finished horses. Get your 2-year-old started correctly for any discipline. Lessons available for beginners to advanced riders. Fresh cattle available at all times.
Sycamore Lane Inc.Santa Paula, CA 93060
(805) 933-5907
info@swtcuttin.comCutting horses for sale, trained and sale conditioning. Training 2-year-olds to finished horses. Get your 2-year-old started correctly for any discipline. Lessons available for beginners to advanced riders. Fresh cattle available at all times.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Horse Training Stables
Coopersville, MI 49404
Sycamore Lane Inc. provides quality farrier services for Michigan and the surrounding states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Call Mike Schoenborn at 616-889-7579.
(616) 889-7579
mike@sycamorelaneinc.comSycamore Lane Inc. provides quality farrier services for Michigan and the surrounding states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Call Mike Schoenborn at 616-889-7579.
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