United States Horse Directory
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Tack Solutions by Leslie
16026 N 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85032
99% consignment store for horse tack & saddles. Whether you are buying or consigning, we are worth a trip to see... We carry tack, saddles & clothing for every discipline of riding.
Tack Stop, ThePhoenix, AZ 85032
(602) 404-2165
tacksolutions@msn.com99% consignment store for horse tack & saddles. Whether you are buying or consigning, we are worth a trip to see... We carry tack, saddles & clothing for every discipline of riding.

Visit Tack Stop, The's Facebook Page
1519 Main Street
Pittsfield, ME 04967
(800) 298-8884
(207) 487-3687
carolyn@tackstop.comWe specialize in barrel racing and rodeo equipment. Barrel racing saddles, large selection of specialized bits, training equipment, protective boots, saddle pads, and of course BLING barrel racing headstalls and breast collars! Names like Sherry Cervi, Martha Josey, Ed Wright, Fred Hunter, Wasson, SA Walls, Charmayne James, and more! Stop by - you won't be disappointed!

Visit Tack Stop, The's Facebook Page
1519 Main St
Pittsfield, ME 04967
(800) 298-8884
Carolyn@tackstop.comBarrel racing and pole bending tack and equipment. Quality gear, the hottest styles, and everything the barrel racer could ever want.

Visit Tack Worx's Facebook Page
PO Box 996
Delran, NJ 08075
(888) 929-8225
(609) 949-1337
custservice@tackworx.comTack Worx, a veteran owned business, is your online destination for equestrian fashion, supplies, and equipment.
Whether you are a competitor or a recreational rider, we have what you need.
P.O. Box 5047
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Tack Etc wants to be your place to buy quality tack and other horsey products at very reasonable prices.
We are keeping our overhead low by selling on our website and by catalog.
TackRusMiami Lakes, FL 33014
(305) 331-7599
Tack Etc wants to be your place to buy quality tack and other horsey products at very reasonable prices.
We are keeping our overhead low by selling on our website and by catalog.

Visit TackRus' Facebook Page
34305 Susnet Lane
Brooskshire, TX 77423
(281) 751-8421
Tackrus.com was founded in June of 1997 in a small Texas town. Ever since, the company has grown into an icon of the equine industry, competing with some of the biggest names around. With over thirty years combined experience in the equine industry, the Tackrus management team combines real knowledge of the equine world with sound business ethics and practices to make a one-of-a-kind company and service experience.
All our products are made with US leather, and we strive to bring the public incredibly affordable equine products without sacrificing any of the quality you have come to expect from the industry leaders. In addition, our high-volume buying power with ingenious business tactics allows us to keep our prices low. Tackrus.com is proud to serve the global marketplace with products we are proud to distribute.
We are unique in that we carry a wide variety of name brands that the public have come to know and love, such as Weaver Leather, Smoky Mountain Boots, Ferrini, Troxel, Courbette, and many others, as well as companies who are newer to the industry, but have proven that they maintain the standards of quality that we apply to all of our products. We also endeavor to add new product lines and items as often as possible. Tackrus.com is proud to distribute these name brands and hopes that the public is proud to receive them. We are also unique in that we offer many services to our customers as well, including an exclusive dealership program, member's specials, and saddle test-rides. We also stock all our products here at our 16,000 square foot facility in Texas.
P.O. Box 476
Hartland, WI 53029
Snapshots of horse and rider. Tackshots displays photos of horse shows in and near Wisconsin.
TackTrunks.NETHartland, WI 53029
(414) 438-9445
tackshots@gmail.comSnapshots of horse and rider. Tackshots displays photos of horse shows in and near Wisconsin.
5 Lyons Road, #108
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
(877) 237-2972
equestrianworld@gmail.comHorse tack trunks including the classic wood & vinyl tack trunk from TackTrunks.NET. We can also coordinate your barn signs, stall drapes, and stall guards to match your barn colors and logos with your tack boxes. Also, saddle racks, horse name plates, bridle hooks, and horse show equipment from Phoenix West.
PO Box 4000
Orem, UT 84059
Orem, UT 84059
(888) 869-9254
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