United States Horse Directory
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Tail Race FarmTailor Made TrainingTake A Chance Farms
Offering quality eventing horses and young prospects as well as training and instruction.
Takilma Gold MorgansOffering quality eventing horses and young prospects as well as training and instruction.
Takilma Gold Ranch
300 Page Creek Road
Cave Junction, OR 97523
Talisman Farm300 Page Creek Road
Cave Junction, OR 97523
(541) 592-4726
8145 Broken Spur Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89131
Horse riding lessons in three day eventing, combined training, dressage, hunter, and jumper. Instructor has over 25 years experience and has cliniced with many international and olympic level riders. Beginners thru intermediate riders welcome.
Talisman FarmsLas Vegas, NV 89131
(702) 592-8381
talismanfarmlv@yahoo.comHorse riding lessons in three day eventing, combined training, dressage, hunter, and jumper. Instructor has over 25 years experience and has cliniced with many international and olympic level riders. Beginners thru intermediate riders welcome.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Eventing Stables
Lutz, FL 33549
Training in combined, dressage, and jumping. Standing gorgeous, correct 16.2 Thoroughbred stallion. Throws eye-catching large-boned offspring. Also racing partnerships.
Tall Pine ResortTall Pines FarmTamarack Hill Farm - THF(813) 833-3314
talismanfarms@tampabay.rr.comTraining in combined, dressage, and jumping. Standing gorgeous, correct 16.2 Thoroughbred stallion. Throws eye-catching large-boned offspring. Also racing partnerships.
- Thoroughbred Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Thoroughbred Partnerships

Visit Tamarack Hill Farm - THF's Facebook Page
166 Brook Rd
Strafford, VT 05072
(802) 765-4049
email@tamarackhill.comTwo locations: Strafford, VT, and Southern Pines, NC.

Visit Tamarack Hill Farm - THF's Facebook Page
193 Tamarack Lane
Vass, NC 28394
(910) 695-0895
email@tamarackhill.comTwo locations: Strafford, VT, and Southern Pines, NC.
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