United States Horse Directory
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Tamarack Stables Rivers Edge
14511 Spring Mill Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tamarack Stables Rivers Edge breeds registered Pure Spanish Andalusian Horses, gives riding lessons, holds summer camp sessions and provides a relaxing retreat of trail rides or campouts for family or office groups. Located on the Rappahannock river.
Tammy Bishop Equine DentistFredericksburg, VA 22406
(540) 752-7367
Tamarack Stables Rivers Edge breeds registered Pure Spanish Andalusian Horses, gives riding lessons, holds summer camp sessions and provides a relaxing retreat of trail rides or campouts for family or office groups. Located on the Rappahannock river.
Wales, ME 04280
Hand and power floats
Complete mouth balancing
Incisor reduction and realignment
Routine and performance floats
References available.
Tammy McDonald Training at Willow Lake Ranchwalesequinedentist@hotmail.com
Hand and power floats
Complete mouth balancing
Incisor reduction and realignment
Routine and performance floats
References available.

Visit Tammy McDonald Training at Willow Lake Ranch's Facebook Page
1255 Monument Place
Newcastle, CA 95658
(916) 645-2228
tammy@willowlakeranch.usTraining facility for horses, specializing in showmanship for Youth, Adult Amateurs. Year round riding lessons, summer horse camps. Horses for sale and stallion barn. Located in the rolling foothills of S. Placer County in Newcastle, CA.
- Stables and Horse Farms
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Visit Tampa Bay Equine Practice, llc's Facebook Page
PO Box 1239
Zephyrhills, FL 33539
(352) 812-0042
tampabayequine@yahoo.comNancylee Bielawski, DVM, is an equine veterinarian and practice owner who uses an integrative approach to veterinary care for her equine patients, enhancing traditional western medical practice with acupuncture and other forms of complementary treatments including therapeutic laser and herbal therapy. Mobile services are provided to the greater Tampa Bay area, including Pasco, Hernando, Hillsborough, and Sumter counties.
Knoll Dressage
Chuluota, FL 32766
With 20 years' experience with Anne Gribbons, USEF Dressage Technical Advisor to the U.S. dressage team, Tamra Brown is the head trainer under Gribbons at Knoll Dressage in central Florida. Tamra has successfully trained several horses through to the Grand Prix level and numerous others to the FEI levels. Tamra is currently active on the Florida Show Circuit, coaching several clients in almost all levels, including FEI, and even to earning scores for bronze and silver medals of their own. Well-rounded and patient, Tamra is known for producing well-educated and competitive dressage horses as well as inspirational and informative instruction geared toward the understanding of equine mechanics and technique.
Tamwood FarmChuluota, FL 32766
With 20 years' experience with Anne Gribbons, USEF Dressage Technical Advisor to the U.S. dressage team, Tamra Brown is the head trainer under Gribbons at Knoll Dressage in central Florida. Tamra has successfully trained several horses through to the Grand Prix level and numerous others to the FEI levels. Tamra is currently active on the Florida Show Circuit, coaching several clients in almost all levels, including FEI, and even to earning scores for bronze and silver medals of their own. Well-rounded and patient, Tamra is known for producing well-educated and competitive dressage horses as well as inspirational and informative instruction geared toward the understanding of equine mechanics and technique.
40 Turner Street
Norfolk, MA 02056
Cooperative barn located on 8 acres. Outdoor ring. 6 acre fenced pasture. Trails adjacent to property. Informal atmosphere.
Rough board. Hay/shavings/grain additional. Shared feeding/vacation coverage. Adult atmosphere.
Maryellen 508-901-1776
Tantau Quarter HorsesNorfolk, MA 02056
(508) 528-9698
Hurleym22@gmail.comCooperative barn located on 8 acres. Outdoor ring. 6 acre fenced pasture. Trails adjacent to property. Informal atmosphere.
Rough board. Hay/shavings/grain additional. Shared feeding/vacation coverage. Adult atmosphere.
Maryellen 508-901-1776
Watsonville, CA 95076
We are striving to produce balanced individuals with athletic ability and wonderful dispositions. Located in Scotts Valley, CA.
Tanya Vik Dressage Trainer & Instructor(831) 768-1023
info@TQHorses.comWe are striving to produce balanced individuals with athletic ability and wonderful dispositions. Located in Scotts Valley, CA.
Riverside Equestrian Center
7600 Lakeville Road
Petaluma, CA 94954
Tanya Vik is an FEI dressage instructor competitor, and equestrian trainer located in Northern California. She offers lessons, clinics, and training to dressage riders of all levels. Tanya also has experience in dressage freestyles.
Tanzanite Equestrian Centre7600 Lakeville Road
Petaluma, CA 94954
(415) 806-3092
info@TanyaVik.comTanya Vik is an FEI dressage instructor competitor, and equestrian trainer located in Northern California. She offers lessons, clinics, and training to dressage riders of all levels. Tanya also has experience in dressage freestyles.

Visit Tanzanite Equestrian Centre's Facebook Page
7221 Cortland Avenue
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-6633
flibrandi@earthlink.netA home your horse will love! Welcome to one of the newest stables in Los Angeles County. We are located close to many major freeways and 20 minutes from Los Angeles. Horses can choose from timothy, orchard, bermuda, oat, or alfalfa hay. Very relaxing for you and your horse. We believe your horse will thank you for moving them here. Lay-ups welcome.
(517) 347-5679
TapestryStables@aol.comLessons, beautiful registered Paint & Quarter horses, and Sheltie dogs for sale.
Tapestry Stables specializes in teaching beginner children and adults the basics of horsemanship so that they may go on to specialize in any discipline. They get a good, solid foundation with plenty of knowledge to keep their horses listening and happy and themselves safe. We often have several lovely horses for sale or lease to choose from.
Young Sheltie dogs also for sale. Think Christmas!
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