United States Horse Directory
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Barrett Farrier Service
315 Hawthorne Ave
Eugene, OR 97404
Quality work; reliable service. Serving the Willamette Valley and central Oregon.
Barrington Hills Polo ClubBarrington SaddleryBarstow Pro Rodeo EquipmentBartels LivestockEugene, OR 97404
(541) 852-1415
barrettmick51@yahoo.comQuality work; reliable service. Serving the Willamette Valley and central Oregon.
P.O. Box 51
Fruita, CO 81521
Zebras, zorses, camels, elk, and horses.
Bascule Farm LLCFruita, CO 81521
(970) 858-7897
(970) 250-1936
rowbartels@hotmail.comZebras, zorses, camels, elk, and horses.
20800 Whites Ferry Road
Poolesville, MD 20837
Top quality boarding, instruction, and training for sport horses on 200 acres in close in Poolesville, MD. All ages and abilities welcome. Eventing, dressage, and show jumping dedicated trainers and a family friendly environment. Horse sales and leasing available. Space available.
Basso's ArenaPoolesville, MD 20837
(301) 972-8943
basculefarmllc@verizon.netTop quality boarding, instruction, and training for sport horses on 200 acres in close in Poolesville, MD. All ages and abilities welcome. Eventing, dressage, and show jumping dedicated trainers and a family friendly environment. Horse sales and leasing available. Space available.
- Hanoverian Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
Livermore CA
A team penning / rodeo ranch. You will love it out in Livermore, California.
Bath Pony ClubBattle Ground Saddle ClubA team penning / rodeo ranch. You will love it out in Livermore, California.
7010 E 300 N
Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 714-5019
rita@bg-sc.comSaddle club for the Lafayette area.
356 Chrisner Road
Ligonier, PA 15658
Bauer's Buggy Rides and wedding carriages provide a unique experience for your wedding.
Ligonier, PA 15658
(724) 238-9113
chrisner@access995.comBauer's Buggy Rides and wedding carriages provide a unique experience for your wedding.
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