United States Horse Directory
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Nunley Ranch
Pelham, TN 37366
Paint and Quarter Horses. Since 1985, Nunley Ranch has been a leading breeder of Bulldogs, Rat Terriers, horses, and more. With a wide variety to choose from, they are a great choice for animal breeders.
O.A.T.S Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles(931) 467-3307
nunleyranch@blomand.netPaint and Quarter Horses. Since 1985, Nunley Ranch has been a leading breeder of Bulldogs, Rat Terriers, horses, and more. With a wide variety to choose from, they are a great choice for animal breeders.
3090 Weidemann Dr
Clarkston, MI 48348
We've been Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles since 1997. Our mission: to promote the health, well-being, and happiness of handicapped individuals through horseback riding and related activities. As a NARHA premier center located in Clarkston, Mich., we serve all ages and disabilities year round.
Oak Hill Equestrian CenterClarkston, MI 48348
(248) 620-1775
(248) 620-0505
oatssmiles@aol.comWe've been Offering Alternative Therapy with Smiles since 1997. Our mission: to promote the health, well-being, and happiness of handicapped individuals through horseback riding and related activities. As a NARHA premier center located in Clarkston, Mich., we serve all ages and disabilities year round.
97 White Oak Hill Road
Poland, ME 04274
Beautiful, friendly, family environment with trails and riding school.
Oak Hill FarmPoland, ME 04274
(207) 998-3992
(207) 515-1163
dmes@equineservice.netBeautiful, friendly, family environment with trails and riding school.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
9555 North Steuben Road
Remsen, NY 13438
Oak Hill Farm is a boarding, training, showing, and sales facility located in central New York, minutes from Utica and Syracuse. We specialize in hunters, jumpers, and ponies.
Oak Hills VaultersRemsen, NY 13438
(315) 865-6491
gtmierek@yahoo.comOak Hill Farm is a boarding, training, showing, and sales facility located in central New York, minutes from Utica and Syracuse. We specialize in hunters, jumpers, and ponies.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
1435 E 900 S
Salem, UT 84653
One of Utah's largest and oldest vaulting clubs. Rapidly growing and serving our communities in Utah County. Helping people of all ages therapeutically, recreationally, and competitively. Our 4 nationally ranked coaches are right here in Utah county.
Oak Hollow FarmSalem, UT 84653
(801) 836-0799
oakhillsvaulters@hotmail.comOne of Utah's largest and oldest vaulting clubs. Rapidly growing and serving our communities in Utah County. Helping people of all ages therapeutically, recreationally, and competitively. Our 4 nationally ranked coaches are right here in Utah county.
50 Fischer Road
New Egypt, NJ 08533
Oak View StablesNew Egypt, NJ 08533
(609) 752-0443
oakhollowjudy@wildblue.net- Paint Horse Farms
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
13600 Looney Road
Olive Branch, MS 58654
Boarding, training, showing, fox hunting, and lesson facility with an indoor, large outdoor ring, cross country course and dressage ring. Large stalls, daily turn-out. Lessons offered every day. Over 60 acres to ride. Over 30 years in experience.
Oakside StablesOcala Stud FarmOctober Glory Acres LLCOlive Branch, MS 58654
(662) 895-4544
(901) 550-8954
OVShnds@aol.comBoarding, training, showing, fox hunting, and lesson facility with an indoor, large outdoor ring, cross country course and dressage ring. Large stalls, daily turn-out. Lessons offered every day. Over 60 acres to ride. Over 30 years in experience.

441 County Road 37
Guilford, NY 13780
Premier Retirement Boarding facility in upstate New York! October Glory Acres LLC offers full care board at a beautiful, peaceful facility. The barn features large, matted stalls, multiple tack rooms, wash stall, a grooming stalls, a lounge, and a restroom and is attached to a fully insulated 80'x 180' indoor arena. Farm consists of 130 acres of trails, fields, and many safe paddocks for daily turnout. Call today to come tour the facility and get more details - it's worth the trip! www.octobergloryacres.com (607) 764-8378
Guilford, NY 13780
(607) 764-8378
octoberglory@frontier.comPremier Retirement Boarding facility in upstate New York! October Glory Acres LLC offers full care board at a beautiful, peaceful facility. The barn features large, matted stalls, multiple tack rooms, wash stall, a grooming stalls, a lounge, and a restroom and is attached to a fully insulated 80'x 180' indoor arena. Farm consists of 130 acres of trails, fields, and many safe paddocks for daily turnout. Call today to come tour the facility and get more details - it's worth the trip! www.octobergloryacres.com (607) 764-8378
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