Delaware County, Pennsylvania Horse Directory
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All Riders Up
265 Mattson Road
Garnet Valley, PA 19060
We offer equine assisted activity to individuals of all ages with special needs.
Hidden Springs Horse FarmGarnet Valley, PA 19060
(610) 459-0879
allrideresup@comcast.netWe offer equine assisted activity to individuals of all ages with special needs.
(484) 802-6191
Heath1617@aol.comHidden Springs is a low key boarding facility that focuses on the horse and rider. We offer large airy, well lit matted stalls, a feed room, and a tack room with room for tack trunks. Large pastures with ample shade. Horses are fed 2 times daily and 3 times for horses that need it. Diets are watched closely. We feed Southern States brand feed with an orchard grass hay. We have 2 locations: one in the heart of Radnor Hunt and the other just minutes from the amazing trails of Ridley Creek State Park.
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