Blairsville, Pennsylvania Horse Directory
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Equestrians' Choice Laundry Service
553 Barnhart Rd
Blairsville, PA 15717
Professional horse blanket laundry & repair. Pickup & delivery available! Email us for details.
Horse & Rider Etc.Blairsville, PA 15717
(724) 459-6332
info@equestrianschoice.netProfessional horse blanket laundry & repair. Pickup & delivery available! Email us for details.

Visit Horse & Rider Etc.'s Facebook Page
4462 Route 22 East
Blairsville, PA 15717
(724) 676-5771
customerservice@horse-rider-etc.comHorse & Rider Etc. has equestrian riding apparel, tack, and accessories for the English rider and your horse at discounted prices every day.
Blairsville, PA 15717
Custom, handmade western saddles, horse tack, and cowboy and buckaroo gear. Saddles made to order by a one man operation. Quality American tanned leather, stainless or brass hardware, and the personal touch of a single craftsman built rig.
(724) 459-3873
sage@sagesaddlery.comCustom, handmade western saddles, horse tack, and cowboy and buckaroo gear. Saddles made to order by a one man operation. Quality American tanned leather, stainless or brass hardware, and the personal touch of a single craftsman built rig.
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