Manheim, Pennsylvania Horse Directory
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Knights Landing Stables

500 Landisville Rd
Manheim, PA 17545
(717) 898-8282
(717) 951-4047
kgehman1@comcast.netHorse boarding, training, lessons, and cross country for the beginner to advanced student.
- 50 acre farm
- 11 pastures
- 120 x 240 sand ring with jumps
- large flat grassy area
- cross country course
- 1/2 mile stone dust race track
- 2 barns
- 28 stalls
- English riding lessons: flat, over fences, and cross country.
We would love to help you further your horse skills! Several trainers available for scheduling. 4h host farm.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Eventing Stables
1338 Mountain Road
Manheim, PA 17545
Figurines, paintings, and stories by Ron Hevener are collected by animal lovers everywhere. Visitors to Hevener's studio can see the very animals that inspire novels like Fate of the Stallion, The Blue Ribbon and High Stakes.
Sunrise Valley FenceManheim, PA 17545
(717) 664-5089
Figurines, paintings, and stories by Ron Hevener are collected by animal lovers everywhere. Visitors to Hevener's studio can see the very animals that inspire novels like Fate of the Stallion, The Blue Ribbon and High Stakes.
Manheim, PA 17545
We specialize in building all types of agricultural fences. Our experience can help you choose the right fence to fit your needs. We're proud to use only top quality materials. Family owned and operated. Fully insured. Call for a free estimate.
(717) 381-5419
(717) 723-6143
We specialize in building all types of agricultural fences. Our experience can help you choose the right fence to fit your needs. We're proud to use only top quality materials. Family owned and operated. Fully insured. Call for a free estimate.
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