Aiken, South Carolina Horse Directory
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Aiken Complex - Training and Rehabilitation Facility
3789 Charleston Hwy
Aiken, SC 29801
The Aiken Complex is a premium equestrian facility offering boarding, training and rehabilitation. Odyssey exerciser, 1/2 mile track, arenas and on-site veterinarian.
Almost Done FarmAiken, SC 29801
(803) 641-0644
contact@AikenComplex.comThe Aiken Complex is a premium equestrian facility offering boarding, training and rehabilitation. Odyssey exerciser, 1/2 mile track, arenas and on-site veterinarian.

Visit Almost Done Farm's Facebook Page
1097 Old Tory Trail
Aiken, SC 29801
(803) 507-6745
pgraves0693@aol.comAiken Horse Hotel - We offer large paddocks with run in sheds and personal service. Located in the heart of Aiken's horse corridor, Events, Polo, Driving, and of course our beautiful Hitchcock Woods are all close. Overnight travelers are very welcome, too! 10.00 per night per horse; 20.00 electric hookup. Ten miles from I-20.
Banks Mill Rd
Aiken, SC 29803
A mixed animal mobile veterinary practice with an equine emphasis.
Biehl's Farrier ServiceAiken, SC 29803
(803) 522-2981
atherton.equine@gmail.comA mixed animal mobile veterinary practice with an equine emphasis.
805 old Barnwell Rd
Aiken, SC 29803
Complete farrier service specializing in the sport horse. I have been shoeing for 28+ yrs. I am a certified CJF with the American Farriers Association and also with the AAPF (American Association of Professional Farriers).
Custom SaddleryJodi Hemry EventingAiken, SC 29803
(803) 617-9153
jgbiehl@netzero.comComplete farrier service specializing in the sport horse. I have been shoeing for 28+ yrs. I am a certified CJF with the American Farriers Association and also with the AAPF (American Association of Professional Farriers).

1023 Bridle Creek Trail
Aiken, SC 29803
Located in Aiken, South Carolina - the eventing horse city on the east coast!
Two star level eventer specializing in training, sales, and instruction.
At Jodi Hemry Eventing, we strive to achieve confident horses and riders through positive training, hard work, and dedication to you and your equine athlete. Our foundation of trust, respect, and training develops a strong relationship between you and your horse. Jodi dedicates time to learn each individual horse to promote their best strengths for the sales market.
Don't hesitate to ship your horse to us, because with Jodi's riding and sales program, they can't place a hoof wrong! Recommended in sales by Kim Severson to her students.
Visit our website and look for us on Facebook!
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Eventing Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
422 Windsor Place
Aiken, SC 29801
Foxhunters and show hunters for sale. Private boarding facility. Barn apartment and stalls for lease. Acreage for sale. Nearby farmette also for sale.
Oakwood Quarter HorsesAiken, SC 29801
(803) 295-3935
ragan@narniafarm.netFoxhunters and show hunters for sale. Private boarding facility. Barn apartment and stalls for lease. Acreage for sale. Nearby farmette also for sale.
587 John Scott Road
Aiken, SC 29803
Home of Color Me Buddy (palomino) and Who Needs Color (cremello).
Step'nSoakAiken, SC 29803
(803) 648-9980
Home of Color Me Buddy (palomino) and Who Needs Color (cremello).
P.O. Box 7276
Aiken, SC 298804
Step'nSoak is a one step, slip on, self attaching, soft durable vinyl hoof soaking 21" high "boot" with 2 18" flexible vinyl ties to easily and safely slip on, secure, and soak (or ice) the hoof and lower legs. Comes 4 to a box @ $23.95 (as of Dec 2009) - so although it is durable, it is also disposable! StepnSoak that abscess away!
Deerwood StablesAiken, SC 298804
(888) 787-6765
sales@stepnsoak.comStep'nSoak is a one step, slip on, self attaching, soft durable vinyl hoof soaking 21" high "boot" with 2 18" flexible vinyl ties to easily and safely slip on, secure, and soak (or ice) the hoof and lower legs. Comes 4 to a box @ $23.95 (as of Dec 2009) - so although it is durable, it is also disposable! StepnSoak that abscess away!
4629 Whiskey Rd
Aiken, SC 29803
We're proud to introduce one the area's newest, premier equine boarding and riding facilities, designed for all levels of riders and conveniently located right on Whiskey Road in south Aiken. We offer a casual atmosphere where riders can learn and just have fun doing it!
Our facilities offer full-service boarding stables with 12'x12' stalls in a brand new center-isle barn with indoor hot-water wash rack, air-conditioned tack room, and two baths, one with a shower and washer/dryer.
Horse Hotel: 10'x10' stall daily board for short-term boarding. A nominal fee of $25.00 (as of May 2009) includes twice-a-day feeding, daily turn-out and stall maintenance.
Two Riding Arenas: a 150'x250' show arena w/jumps and a 80'x130' warm-up/pony dressage arena w/jumps.
*New* Trail Riding: Over one mile of beautiful wooded trails for all levels of riders.
Aiken, SC 29803
(803) 522-8453
deerwoodstablesaiken@gmail.comWe're proud to introduce one the area's newest, premier equine boarding and riding facilities, designed for all levels of riders and conveniently located right on Whiskey Road in south Aiken. We offer a casual atmosphere where riders can learn and just have fun doing it!
Our facilities offer full-service boarding stables with 12'x12' stalls in a brand new center-isle barn with indoor hot-water wash rack, air-conditioned tack room, and two baths, one with a shower and washer/dryer.
Horse Hotel: 10'x10' stall daily board for short-term boarding. A nominal fee of $25.00 (as of May 2009) includes twice-a-day feeding, daily turn-out and stall maintenance.
Two Riding Arenas: a 150'x250' show arena w/jumps and a 80'x130' warm-up/pony dressage arena w/jumps.
*New* Trail Riding: Over one mile of beautiful wooded trails for all levels of riders.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
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