Belton, South Carolina Horse Directory
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Rocky Bottom Farms
620 Mayfield School Rd
Belton, SC 29627
Family run tack shop with friendly people and reasonable prices. We don't have a fancy shop and have low overhead, so we pass the savings on to our customers. Western and English tack. See us at the Anderson jockey lot or at our farm shop in Belton, SC. Mon-Wed & Friday, 4 pm to 8 pm.
Belton, SC 29627
(864) 933-6420
(864) 338-9276
rockybottomfarms@hotmail.comFamily run tack shop with friendly people and reasonable prices. We don't have a fancy shop and have low overhead, so we pass the savings on to our customers. Western and English tack. See us at the Anderson jockey lot or at our farm shop in Belton, SC. Mon-Wed & Friday, 4 pm to 8 pm.
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