Landrum, South Carolina Horse Directory
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Horse Motel in Northern Greenville County, SC

1011 Hwy 11
Landrum, SC 29656
20 stall barn with rubber mats, overhead fans, lights and electricity to each stall, indoor wash bay, and paddock with shelter available for multiple horses. Round pen and trails available, weather permitting. Located 30 minutes from Tryon International Equine Center and 7 miles from I-26 in northern Greenville County, SC. Call or text 864-915-8050 for reservations.
Landrum, SC 29656
(864) 915-8050
(864) 331-9702
june@ajlcpa.com20 stall barn with rubber mats, overhead fans, lights and electricity to each stall, indoor wash bay, and paddock with shelter available for multiple horses. Round pen and trails available, weather permitting. Located 30 minutes from Tryon International Equine Center and 7 miles from I-26 in northern Greenville County, SC. Call or text 864-915-8050 for reservations.
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