South Dakota Horse Directory
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Meadowlark Horse Motel
44186 154th Street
Florence, SD 57235
Overnight horse accommodations in stall or paddock. Hay available. Also, parking with electricity for trailer. Bed and Breakfast on site. Call for reservation & directions.
Prairie Thunder RanchFlorence, SD 57235
(605) 758-3060
Kingslien@itctel.comOvernight horse accommodations in stall or paddock. Hay available. Also, parking with electricity for trailer. Bed and Breakfast on site. Call for reservation & directions.
We specialize in producing exceptional performance horses. We breed, sell and train Holsteiners, Paints and Andalusian crosses. Stallions at stud and horses for sale.
Quickstad Quarter
12715 Eden Rd
Whitewood, SD 57793
Raising pretty horses that perform. Quickstad's versatile horses are proven in many arenas. Bloodlines include Stylish Rey, Colinel Wild Cutter, Little Freckles Cat and more.
Rural Mfg. Co., Inc.Whitewood, SD 57793
(605) 347-6408
Raising pretty horses that perform. Quickstad's versatile horses are proven in many arenas. Bloodlines include Stylish Rey, Colinel Wild Cutter, Little Freckles Cat and more.
820 N US Hwy 81
Freeman, SD 57029
Home of quality livestock equipment, including horse fountain waterers and electric fencing equipment.
SOS MiniaturesFreeman, SD 57029
(800) 477-7135
(605) 925-7135
sales@ruralmfg.comHome of quality livestock equipment, including horse fountain waterers and electric fencing equipment.
24495 364th AVE
Kimball, SD 57355
Located in the heart of South Dakota, SOS miniatures has had generations of breeding the Miniature Horse in pursuit of excellence.
Most of our horses are AMHR / AMHA. We have appaloosas, pintos, and, of course, solids.
Our family has been raising the Miniature Horse since before the beginning of the Miniature Horse registries.
We show both on a local and national level but have yet to forget how much fun they are just to "hang with".
Drop by and browse the site!
South Dakota State UniversityThundering Hooves ArabiansKimball, SD 57355
(605) 778-6265
nmarlee@midstatesd.netLocated in the heart of South Dakota, SOS miniatures has had generations of breeding the Miniature Horse in pursuit of excellence.
Most of our horses are AMHR / AMHA. We have appaloosas, pintos, and, of course, solids.
Our family has been raising the Miniature Horse since before the beginning of the Miniature Horse registries.
We show both on a local and national level but have yet to forget how much fun they are just to "hang with".
Drop by and browse the site!
28096 Old Hwy 79
Oral, SD 57766
We are a small farm dedicated and specializing in part Arabian dilutes and double dilutes of high percentage Arabian blood. We breed palomino, buckskin, and cremello Arabians with classy show stopping horses that look like Arabians with rare pedigrees that cannot be matched. We stand one of the highest percentage champion-producing cremello Arabian stallions in the USA, Allussive Gold ss, and a Straight Egyptian, Al Khamsa, Pyrimid Society dark liver chestnut Simeon Shai grandson, Trinity Odysseus. Both stallions are EVA and SCID tested clear. Check us out; we believe you will not be disappointed!
Trask Performance Quarter HorsesOral, SD 57766
(605) 424-2722
bmbrown@gwtc.netWe are a small farm dedicated and specializing in part Arabian dilutes and double dilutes of high percentage Arabian blood. We breed palomino, buckskin, and cremello Arabians with classy show stopping horses that look like Arabians with rare pedigrees that cannot be matched. We stand one of the highest percentage champion-producing cremello Arabian stallions in the USA, Allussive Gold ss, and a Straight Egyptian, Al Khamsa, Pyrimid Society dark liver chestnut Simeon Shai grandson, Trinity Odysseus. Both stallions are EVA and SCID tested clear. Check us out; we believe you will not be disappointed!
PO Box 321
Wall, SD 57790
Performance quarter horses with color (buckskin, palomino, dun) carrying the bloodlines of Sun Frost, Frenchmans Guy, Driftwood Ike, Three Bars, Firewater Flit, Colonel Freckles, Dash for Cash, and/or Tough Bar.
Y-L Saddlery, IncWall, SD 57790
(605) 279-2878
trask@gwtc.netPerformance quarter horses with color (buckskin, palomino, dun) carrying the bloodlines of Sun Frost, Frenchmans Guy, Driftwood Ike, Three Bars, Firewater Flit, Colonel Freckles, Dash for Cash, and/or Tough Bar.

Visit Y-L Saddlery, Inc's Facebook Page
1901 Hwy 18 Bypass
PO Box 672
Hot Springs, SD 57747
(605) 745-6882
(888) 423-7313
saddles2@gwtc.netWe are a full service custom saddle shop located in Hot Springs, SD. We build custom saddles as well as repair all other brands of western saddles. We also carry grooming and training products and a large selection of bits. We manufacture bucking rolls and reins.
Central Wisconsin, WI
Breeding and raising the highest quality Fell Pony. Here you will find some of the most amazing Fell Ponies in the country if not the world. Utilizing Natural Horsemanship and many years of personal experience, my Fells are uniquely imprinted at birth and raised to be confident equine partners. Whether showing, performance, pleasure, or equine psychotherapy, these Fells are up for any job.
Breeding and raising the highest quality Fell Pony. Here you will find some of the most amazing Fell Ponies in the country if not the world. Utilizing Natural Horsemanship and many years of personal experience, my Fells are uniquely imprinted at birth and raised to be confident equine partners. Whether showing, performance, pleasure, or equine psychotherapy, these Fells are up for any job.
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