Pennington County, South Dakota Horse Directory
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Derr Quarter HorsesTrask Performance Quarter Horses
PO Box 321
Wall, SD 57790
Performance quarter horses with color (buckskin, palomino, dun) carrying the bloodlines of Sun Frost, Frenchmans Guy, Driftwood Ike, Three Bars, Firewater Flit, Colonel Freckles, Dash for Cash, and/or Tough Bar.
Wall, SD 57790
(605) 279-2878
trask@gwtc.netPerformance quarter horses with color (buckskin, palomino, dun) carrying the bloodlines of Sun Frost, Frenchmans Guy, Driftwood Ike, Three Bars, Firewater Flit, Colonel Freckles, Dash for Cash, and/or Tough Bar.
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