Bedford County, Tennessee Horse Directory
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Aelindalen Equine Training and Teaching

Visit Aelindalen Equine Training and Teaching's Facebook Page
1035 Kingdom Rd
Unionville, TN 37180
(615) 427-3383
(802) 274-6452
1104 Highway 130 W
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Quality flatshod TN Walkers for show or trail. Also standing WGC stallion.
Bridlewood FarmShelbyville, TN 37160
(615) 708-0820
(615) 210-7427
SBarnes575@aol.comQuality flatshod TN Walkers for show or trail. Also standing WGC stallion.
PO Box 909
Bell Buckle Lane
Shelbyville, TN 37162
E-Horse EquipmentBell Buckle Lane
Shelbyville, TN 37162
(931) 359-1691
(888) 461-1691
730 Madison Street
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Gravener Quarter HorsesShelbyville, TN 37160
(931) 684-0496
(800) 251-3490
412 Harrison Rd
Shelbyville, TN 37160
We have been in the Quarter Horse business for over 20 years. We have just relocated our breeding, training, and lesson business to Shelbyville, TN (as of Jan 2010). We have trained horses and riders to win Congress Champion, Reserve Congress Champion, Congress top ten, and World top ten. We are standing our two AQHA stallions for breeding and also have many sale horses of all ages. We offer lessons and training for beginners to national and world show level riders. We show and train western and English, and we specialize in over fences. Whatever your level, we look forward to helping you and your horse become a champion.
Midland FarmsShelbyville, TN 37160
Gravenerquarterhorses@gmail.comWe have been in the Quarter Horse business for over 20 years. We have just relocated our breeding, training, and lesson business to Shelbyville, TN (as of Jan 2010). We have trained horses and riders to win Congress Champion, Reserve Congress Champion, Congress top ten, and World top ten. We are standing our two AQHA stallions for breeding and also have many sale horses of all ages. We offer lessons and training for beginners to national and world show level riders. We show and train western and English, and we specialize in over fences. Whatever your level, we look forward to helping you and your horse become a champion.
120 Trott Rd
Bell Buckle, TN 37020
Midland Farms is a full boarding facility that has an indoor and outdoor arenas, along with indoor and outdoor roundpens. We have plenty of crossties, tack lockers, wash areas, and turnout pastures. You can come to Midland to board your horse, take lessons, have a party, have a clinic, and just enjoy horses.
Saddleridge FarmsBell Buckle, TN 37020
(931) 703-8611
cr_mauney@yahoo.comMidland Farms is a full boarding facility that has an indoor and outdoor arenas, along with indoor and outdoor roundpens. We have plenty of crossties, tack lockers, wash areas, and turnout pastures. You can come to Midland to board your horse, take lessons, have a party, have a clinic, and just enjoy horses.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Event Facilities
2620 Hwy 231 South
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Breeder of pure Spanish Andalusians and Peruvian Pasos. High quality boutique with champion bloodlines emphasizing both conformation and performance with good temperament.
Cedar Springs FarmShelbyville, TN 37160
(932) 808-2870
jclambeth@gmail.comBreeder of pure Spanish Andalusians and Peruvian Pasos. High quality boutique with champion bloodlines emphasizing both conformation and performance with good temperament.
Unionville, TN 37180
Horse boarding in a quiet setting and training.
A beautiful barn located in quiet Rover, TN. Full care and pasture board available along with training and lessons in multiple disciplines. We take in all breeds from Thoroughbreds to TWH to Arabians to Mustangs and everything in between. We pride ourselves on our care for our horses from keeping up with deworming, farrier, vaccinations, etc.
Miles of trails from half an hour long to all day rides.
We have a quiet family atmosphere with clients of all ages.
Call John for more information at (615) 427-3383 or email.
Also, visit our trainer's website:
(615) 427-3383
john@cedarspringstn.comHorse boarding in a quiet setting and training.
A beautiful barn located in quiet Rover, TN. Full care and pasture board available along with training and lessons in multiple disciplines. We take in all breeds from Thoroughbreds to TWH to Arabians to Mustangs and everything in between. We pride ourselves on our care for our horses from keeping up with deworming, farrier, vaccinations, etc.
Miles of trails from half an hour long to all day rides.
We have a quiet family atmosphere with clients of all ages.
Call John for more information at (615) 427-3383 or email.
Also, visit our trainer's website:
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
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