Maryville, Tennessee Horse Directory
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Drake Photography
Maryville, TN 37804
Drake Photography specializes in equine photography. Professional web design also available.
Ijams Family Farm(865) 250-9058
jessica.drake@era.comDrake Photography specializes in equine photography. Professional web design also available.

Visit Ijams Family Farm's Facebook Page
2347 Middlesettlements Rd
Maryville, TN 37801
(865) 705-1235
info@ijamsfamilyfarm.comCome pasture board with us! Bring your horse to live on the farm in Maryville, Tennessee. We offer over 190 acres of beautiful pasture with breathtaking views of the Smoky Mountains. We serve the Knoxville and Maryville areas of east Tennessee. Come on out to the farm and see us! Call Garrison at the number above for more information.
Maryville, TN 37801
Breeding and showing quality FPD Appaloosas.
(865) 724-6333
ponytail24@hotmail.comBreeding and showing quality FPD Appaloosas.
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