Hawkins County, Tennessee Horse Directory
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A Natural Hoof, LLC

Visit A Natural Hoof, LLC's Facebook Page
206 Cherry Street
Mount Carmel, TN 37645
(423) 276-6791
(423) 963-7658
anaturalhoof@gmail.comA Natural Hoof, LLC offers natural hoof care services including shoe removal, barefoot trimming, and boot fitting in the Sullivan County, Hawkins County, and surrounding area of Northeast Tennessee. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
196 Wolfe Branch Road
Bulls Gap, TN 37711
Lusitanos, warmbloods & more. Horses for sale. Lessons for all ages, levels and disciplines including: dressage, jumping, western, vaulting, driving, trail, pleasure riding, and therapeutic riding for people with disabilities or other special nee
Turning Point Sport HorsesBulls Gap, TN 37711
(423) 235-9746
mblackstone@renaissancefarmtn.comLusitanos, warmbloods & more. Horses for sale. Lessons for all ages, levels and disciplines including: dressage, jumping, western, vaulting, driving, trail, pleasure riding, and therapeutic riding for people with disabilities or other special nee
- Lusitano Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Retirement Farms
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
625 Beech Grove Road
Rogersville, TN 37857
In addition to offering premium sport horses for dressage and hunter/jumper, Turning Point also offers training, boarding and breeding services.
Rogersville, TN 37857
(423) 235-7280
(423) 923-7722
ag7m@turningpointwb.comIn addition to offering premium sport horses for dressage and hunter/jumper, Turning Point also offers training, boarding and breeding services.
- Trakehner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
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