Sullivan County, Tennessee Horse Directory
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A Natural Hoof, LLC

Visit A Natural Hoof, LLC's Facebook Page
206 Cherry Street
Mount Carmel, TN 37645
(423) 276-6791
(423) 963-7658
anaturalhoof@gmail.comA Natural Hoof, LLC offers natural hoof care services including shoe removal, barefoot trimming, and boot fitting in the Sullivan County, Hawkins County, and surrounding area of Northeast Tennessee. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
440 Hawley Road
Blountville, TN 37617
Convenient to Bristol, Kingsport, Johnson City, TN, and southwest VA. 12' x 12' stalls. Horse riding lessons. English and western styles. Beginner to intermediate - age 6 to adult. Family oriented and friendly barn. Beautiful views of mountains with a 100' by 200' arena. Safety is utmost - helmets provided if not already owned. Wide range of well trained horses and ponies. Instruction includes horse and stable care basics in addition to riding. English instructor with extensive horse industry background.
Lynlee Smith PhotographyNeighland FarmRyan Kelly, FarrierBlountville, TN 37617
(423) 914-9666
hawleyfarmstablesATgmail.comConvenient to Bristol, Kingsport, Johnson City, TN, and southwest VA. 12' x 12' stalls. Horse riding lessons. English and western styles. Beginner to intermediate - age 6 to adult. Family oriented and friendly barn. Beautiful views of mountains with a 100' by 200' arena. Safety is utmost - helmets provided if not already owned. Wide range of well trained horses and ponies. Instruction includes horse and stable care basics in addition to riding. English instructor with extensive horse industry background.
1166 Weaver Branch Rd
Bluff City, TN 37618
Farrier / blacksmith willing to travel out of the Sullivan County area. Call with any questions or for prices.
Small Miracles Therapeutic Horseback Riding Center, Inc.Bluff City, TN 37618
(423) 391-7469
ryanwkelly@charter.netFarrier / blacksmith willing to travel out of the Sullivan County area. Call with any questions or for prices.
1026 Rock Springs Drive
Kingsport, TN 37664
Therapeutic horseback riding and Equine Assisted Learning for persons with physical, mental, emotional, and learning disabilities.
Blue Ridge Riding AcademyKingsport, TN 37664
(423) 349-1111
smiracles@chartertn.netTherapeutic horseback riding and Equine Assisted Learning for persons with physical, mental, emotional, and learning disabilities.
Blountville, TN 37617
Blue Ridge Riding Academy provides private riding lessons for children and adults year round.
Buddy Talbert Quarter Horses(423) 217-2505
vicki@blueridgeriding.comBlue Ridge Riding Academy provides private riding lessons for children and adults year round.
Blountville, TN 37617
Home of Wincredible.
(423) 323-1022
(423) 914-3751
Home of Wincredible.
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