Bandera, Texas Horse Directory
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Bar M Guest Ranch
P.O. Box 153
Bandera, TX 78003
Texas Hill Country horseback riding vacation in Bandera, Texas with guest lodging and accommodations at the scenic Bar M Guest Ranch.
Donnie Walker - Certified Professional FarrierBandera, TX 78003
(830) 796-9096
(830) 796-1164
Texas Hill Country horseback riding vacation in Bandera, Texas with guest lodging and accommodations at the scenic Bar M Guest Ranch.
P.O. Box 1346
Bandera, TX 78003
- Certified in natural balance shoeing / barefoot trimming
- Certified in traditional shoeing / barefoot trimming
- Certified lameness specialist
Hill Country Equestrian LodgeBandera, TX 78003
(830) 688-1644 Certified in natural balance shoeing / barefoot trimming
- Certified in traditional shoeing / barefoot trimming
- Certified lameness specialist
1580 Hay Hollar Road
Bandera, TX 78003
A guest ranch for your horseback riding vacation or just enjoying nature at its best. Hill Country Equestrian Lodge offers first class accommodations and boarding for guests' horses.
Terry Rucker Farrier ServiceBandera, TX 78003
(830) 796-7950
info@hillcountryequestlodge.comA guest ranch for your horseback riding vacation or just enjoying nature at its best. Hill Country Equestrian Lodge offers first class accommodations and boarding for guests' horses.
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