Blue Ridge, Texas Horse Directory
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Rockin' M Stables

Visit Rockin' M Stables' Facebook Page
473 CR 4971
Blue Ridge, TX 75424
(817) 851-2276
wranglert69@yahoo.comFull care boarding, trails, and training all at one stop!
Rockin' M Stables is a 150-acre, world-class facility. We are located just 15 minutes east of I-75 in the rolling hills of Blue Ridge, Texas. We are a family-owned/family-operated full-service facility that is designed to meet the varied needs of today's horse and rider.
We offer a unique location for boarding, camps, pleasure riding, training, and field trips at Rockin' M Stables. Whether you ride competitively or recreationally, we believe you'll find the resources and professional expertise at Rockin' M Stables unsurpassed in the state of Texas.
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