Van Horn, Texas Horse Directory
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Richardson Equine Rescue Inc.
PO Box 1029
39959 FM 2017
Van Horn, TX 79855
Located in Van Horn, Texas, we are a small horse rescue specializing in providing individual care for abused and unwanted horses, mules, and donkeys. We provide a safe environment, medical care, quality food, and lots of love. We want each of our animals to be adoptable and find a forever home.
39959 FM 2017
Van Horn, TX 79855
(855) 704-9274
info@richardsonequinerescue.comLocated in Van Horn, Texas, we are a small horse rescue specializing in providing individual care for abused and unwanted horses, mules, and donkeys. We provide a safe environment, medical care, quality food, and lots of love. We want each of our animals to be adoptable and find a forever home.
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