Argyle, Texas Horse Directory
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Argyle Veterinary Clinic
410 FM 407 E
Argyle, TX 76226
Dog, cat, and equine veterinary hospital offering vet services, supplies, and information. 24 hour emergency service.
Hillcrest FarmArgyle, TX 76226
(940) 464-3231
info@ArgyleVet.comDog, cat, and equine veterinary hospital offering vet services, supplies, and information. 24 hour emergency service.
1700 Knight St
Argyle, TX 76226
Hunter jumper facility, sales, showing, and riding lessons.
Tezmaral ArabiansArgyle, TX 76226
(817) 291-3885
(940) 455-7215
Hillcresttx10@att.netHunter jumper facility, sales, showing, and riding lessons.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Leasing Stables

Visit Tezmaral Arabians' Facebook Page
1918 E Hickory Hill Road
Argyle, TX 76226
(940) 241-3333
lisa_skalski@yahoo.comTezmaral Arabians specializes in training Arabian / Half-Arabian horses and their riders. Whether for the show ring, endurance, or casual riding, we can help you define your goals and understand your horse, facilitating better communication between you as a team. The bottom line is to enjoy your horse in whatever discipline you pursue with confidence. What's your pleasure? We do it all at Tezmaral!
225 Stonecrest Rd
Argyle, TX 76226
You can be unique on an Appaloosa! All the things that make great horses are here at TOP Appaloosas. Intelligent, beautifully balanced athletes are here! Come visit our champions!
Harpole FarmsArgyle, TX 76226
(940) 464-4235
topappaloosas@yahoo.comYou can be unique on an Appaloosa! All the things that make great horses are here at TOP Appaloosas. Intelligent, beautifully balanced athletes are here! Come visit our champions!
Argyle, TX 76226
Foal cams, barn cam, and home to Wait Up Sis and Lady.
(940) 453-8001
mark@harpolefarms.comFoal cams, barn cam, and home to Wait Up Sis and Lady.
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