Aubrey, Texas Horse Directory
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Born2Be Therapeutic Equestrian Center
3575 Sauls Rd
Aubrey, TX 76227
Therapeutic horse back riding and carriage driving facility for people with disabilities.
Kay's Cowgirl Originals / Neubauer Quarter Horses / Neubauer ManufacturingAubrey, TX 76227
(940) 595-8200
(940) 367-8403
born2betec@gmail.comTherapeutic horse back riding and carriage driving facility for people with disabilities.
6071 Neubauer Ranch Road
Aubrey, TX 76227
Cowgirl Original jewelry, Neubauer Quarter Horses & barn accessories.
Southern Comfort FarmAubrey, TX 76227
(940) 390-5959
Cowgirl Original jewelry, Neubauer Quarter Horses & barn accessories.
- Product Manufacturers
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Gifts
- Feeders and Waterers
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
12028 FM 428
Aubrey, TX. 76227
Privately owned dressage boarding and training facility. Full care service with individualized feed and turn out.
Lessons available to Grand Prix. Large indoor arena w/mirrors, Eurofelt & sand footing, and a music & sound system.
Facilities include:
- Twenty-two 12x12 safe stalls, well bedded w/dust free shavings
- 3 h/c water wash racks
- 5 grooming stalls
- viewing lounge
- 1 full bath with shower and additional 1/2 bath
- Two tack rooms with individual built in tack trunks, saddle rack & bridle rack
- W & D available along with kitchen facilities
- Forty acres of sandy soil
- Perimeter trail around stock tank and grounds with adjacent property available for trail riding
Farm owner and employees live on site.
Quality coastal hay and multiple Purina products stocked. No extra fees for blanketing, boots for turnout, or fly masks. Friendly atmosphere with many opportunities for showing and clinics with Olympic riders
Stony Glen StablesAubrey, TX. 76227
(940) 440-2333
(972) 523-5260
scfpk@att.netPrivately owned dressage boarding and training facility. Full care service with individualized feed and turn out.
Lessons available to Grand Prix. Large indoor arena w/mirrors, Eurofelt & sand footing, and a music & sound system.
Facilities include:
- Twenty-two 12x12 safe stalls, well bedded w/dust free shavings
- 3 h/c water wash racks
- 5 grooming stalls
- viewing lounge
- 1 full bath with shower and additional 1/2 bath
- Two tack rooms with individual built in tack trunks, saddle rack & bridle rack
- W & D available along with kitchen facilities
- Forty acres of sandy soil
- Perimeter trail around stock tank and grounds with adjacent property available for trail riding
Farm owner and employees live on site.
Quality coastal hay and multiple Purina products stocked. No extra fees for blanketing, boots for turnout, or fly masks. Friendly atmosphere with many opportunities for showing and clinics with Olympic riders
FM 1385 & Fishtrap Rd
Aubrey, TX 76227
Full care equestrian facitly in Frisco, Texas. English riding lessons, hunter shows, summer camps and breeding Connemara horses and ponies. Easy acess to Dallas, Plano, Allen, McKinney and Denton... just north of Dallas, in Frisco, Texas.
Wunder HoofAubrey, TX 76227
(214) 724-6017
stonyglen@comcast.netFull care equestrian facitly in Frisco, Texas. English riding lessons, hunter shows, summer camps and breeding Connemara horses and ponies. Easy acess to Dallas, Plano, Allen, McKinney and Denton... just north of Dallas, in Frisco, Texas.

PO Box 189
Aubrey, TX 76227
(866) 939-2556
contact@wunderhoof.comAll Natural Wunder Hoof is a topical growth stimulant & hoof conditioner. Treats hoof cracks & quarter cracks, speeds hoof growth, builds thicker walls, and much more...!
9510 Ike Byrom Road
Aubrey, TX 76227
Hogany Tops Farm is a full care training and boarding facility, offering top quality horses and ponies for sale. Training and instruction is designed with the horse and rider in mind and customized to fit each one's individual abilities and objectives to reach their full potential. Beginners thru advanced are welcome.
Disciplines: Equitation, Hunter, Jumper
Affiliations: United States Equestrian Federation, United States Hunter Jumper Association, THJA, NTHJA
Tom McCutcheon Reining Horses, Inc.Whitehedge FarmKimric FarmPaddocks Stables, TheAubrey, TX 76227
(940) 365-9994
(404) 425-2599
hoganytops@aol.comHogany Tops Farm is a full care training and boarding facility, offering top quality horses and ponies for sale. Training and instruction is designed with the horse and rider in mind and customized to fit each one's individual abilities and objectives to reach their full potential. Beginners thru advanced are welcome.
Disciplines: Equitation, Hunter, Jumper
Affiliations: United States Equestrian Federation, United States Hunter Jumper Association, THJA, NTHJA
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
Aubrey, TX 76227
The Paddocks Stables is a hunter/jumper show barn. We have a 40 acre facility with all the amenities, large turnouts, a German walker, 2 indoors, and 3 outdoor arenas. We offer riding lessons from beginner to Grand Prix. Full care for the horse and rider. Buying and selling top quality European imported horses and ponies. Conveniently located west of the end of The Dallas North Tollway and south of Hwy 380. One mile south of The Prairie House restaurant.
(940) 440-3361
rwa441@aol.comThe Paddocks Stables is a hunter/jumper show barn. We have a 40 acre facility with all the amenities, large turnouts, a German walker, 2 indoors, and 3 outdoor arenas. We offer riding lessons from beginner to Grand Prix. Full care for the horse and rider. Buying and selling top quality European imported horses and ponies. Conveniently located west of the end of The Dallas North Tollway and south of Hwy 380. One mile south of The Prairie House restaurant.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Leasing Stables
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