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Twinwood Equestrian Center

Visit Twinwood Equestrian Center's Facebook Page
34855 FM 1093
Simonton, TX 77476
(281) 346-1884
contact@twinwoodequestriancenter.comTwinwood Equestrian Center is a premier dressage boarding and training facility located just west of Katy, Texas. Twinwood sits on one hundred acres, offering spacious grass paddocks and ample ride-out. We have two full-size dressage arenas: one lighted, all-weather outdoor and another lighted, covered arena. While our focus is dressage, we also offer amenities for the serious eventer, including a 130 x 200 ft. lighted, all-weather outdoor jump arena, a one-acre grass cross-country jump school, and an exercise track. Two resident dressage trainers are based here to help serious riders achieve their training and competition goals. A full-time manager and experienced staff live on site to ensure your horse's well-being. Twinwood is designed for the ultimate equestrian experience. Come board with us, and treat your horse to the best!
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