Seguin, Texas Horse Directory
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Equine Colic Relief Stops Colic

Visit Equine Colic Relief Stops Colic's Facebook Page
565 Blackjack Oak Rd
Seguin, TX 78155
(830) 372-2211
(800) 448-8180
info@stopscolic.comSmall 4 oz Bottle - Just pour in horse's mouth & watch him swallow. Equine Colic Relief has a 13 year shelf life. Temperature does not effect product - store anywhere without worry about heat or cold. Keep it in the glove box on trips, or you may keep it in your feed room for your care giver. All natural. Performance horses test drug free.
12061 FM 466
Seguin, TX 78155
Everything Jesus! Ranch has a ministry opening for single person or married ranch equestrians.
The person He sends will have experience in training horses to be ridden and people to ride horses. Farrier experience is a huge plus. This position is a live-on ministry position and involves caring for horses naturally, giving small group lessons to our K-12 students (we have a small tuition-free academy), working with people who come to the ranch for healing from chronic and terminal conditions, and conducting a Christ-centered trail ride on Saturdays that is called "Run With the Horses" and similar in format to the Walk to Emmaus.
We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial worship community committed to sharing the Gospel, encouraging healthy living from the inside out, and living simply, sustainably, and joyfully in modesty and morality. Please look at to learn about our ministry, our mission, Who we love, and Who we serve unconditionally.
Platinum Equestrian Center of TexasSeguin, TX 78155
(830) 491-8557
gina@ejranch.comEverything Jesus! Ranch has a ministry opening for single person or married ranch equestrians.
The person He sends will have experience in training horses to be ridden and people to ride horses. Farrier experience is a huge plus. This position is a live-on ministry position and involves caring for horses naturally, giving small group lessons to our K-12 students (we have a small tuition-free academy), working with people who come to the ranch for healing from chronic and terminal conditions, and conducting a Christ-centered trail ride on Saturdays that is called "Run With the Horses" and similar in format to the Walk to Emmaus.
We are a multi-cultural, multi-racial worship community committed to sharing the Gospel, encouraging healthy living from the inside out, and living simply, sustainably, and joyfully in modesty and morality. Please look at to learn about our ministry, our mission, Who we love, and Who we serve unconditionally.
3404 Cordova Rd
Seguin, TX 78155
Platinum Equestrian Center of Texas offers hunter, jumper, dressage, and western riding lessons by an ARIA certified instructor, horse training, and self or full care boarding (12x12 stalls w/runs or pasture board).
150x250 Covered lighted arena for hourly, daily, or nightly rental to the public. Stalls for layovers available.
Contact Robin at the number or email above for more info or to set up a free tour.
Seguin SporthorsesSeguin, TX 78155
(832) 545-4192
platinumjumpers@yahoo.comPlatinum Equestrian Center of Texas offers hunter, jumper, dressage, and western riding lessons by an ARIA certified instructor, horse training, and self or full care boarding (12x12 stalls w/runs or pasture board).
150x250 Covered lighted arena for hourly, daily, or nightly rental to the public. Stalls for layovers available.
Contact Robin at the number or email above for more info or to set up a free tour.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Event Facilities
205 Cowey Ranch Rd
Seguin, TX 78155
Bar-T Quarter HorsesSeguin, TX 78155
(830) 386-0197
Seguin, TX 78155
AQHA reg. horses for sale. Standing four stallions, and can ship cooled semen.
Metal Building Depot(830) 379-2733
AQHA reg. horses for sale. Standing four stallions, and can ship cooled semen.
4340 I-10 West
Seguin, TX 78155
Metal Building Depot is a leading online retailer of buildings, steel homes, mini storage, and component parts.
Blue Streak StablesSeguin, TX 78155
(888) 372-4266
Metal Building Depot is a leading online retailer of buildings, steel homes, mini storage, and component parts.
Seguin, TX 78155
Girls who love horses and horseback riding will love our summer horse camp at Blue Streak Stables.
Blue Yonder FarmRhinestone Dillo(830) 372-1677
Girls who love horses and horseback riding will love our summer horse camp at Blue Streak Stables.
Seguin, TX 78155
Unique and sparkly rhinestone equestrian shirts. A great gift for yourself or the Equestrian in your life. Super sparkly and beautiful Swarovski Crystal rhinestone equestrian shirts. People will want to know where you got your original shirt!
(830) 660-1148
sales@RhinestoneDillo.comUnique and sparkly rhinestone equestrian shirts. A great gift for yourself or the Equestrian in your life. Super sparkly and beautiful Swarovski Crystal rhinestone equestrian shirts. People will want to know where you got your original shirt!
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