Houston, Texas Horse Directory
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At Centerline Training inc.
14801 Old Chocolate Bayou
Houston, TX 77048
Dressage training and instruction and beginner English lessons conveniently located between Houston Medical Center, Pearland, and Sugarland. Safe beginner horses and dressage schoolmasters. 30 years professional experience. 40 acres in a park like setting. Covered and outdoor arenas. Boarding available.
Blue Fox FarmsHouston, TX 77048
(281) 798-6718
dressage09@centerlinetraininginc.comDressage training and instruction and beginner English lessons conveniently located between Houston Medical Center, Pearland, and Sugarland. Safe beginner horses and dressage schoolmasters. 30 years professional experience. 40 acres in a park like setting. Covered and outdoor arenas. Boarding available.
14801 Old Chocolate Bayou Rd
Houston, TX 77048
We are a premier hunter/jumper/dressage training facility just a few miles south of downtown Houston. We have large outdoor and indoor arenas with good lighting and footing. We offers lessons, training, and leasing of horses as well as boarding of your own horse or horses. A beautiful country setting near town.
Clear Round Show JumpersHouston, TX 77048
(713) 725-2920
tbludworth@comcast.netWe are a premier hunter/jumper/dressage training facility just a few miles south of downtown Houston. We have large outdoor and indoor arenas with good lighting and footing. We offers lessons, training, and leasing of horses as well as boarding of your own horse or horses. A beautiful country setting near town.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
14880 Waterloo Drive
Houston, TX 77053
Elite Sporthorse is a beautiful boarding facility located right outside downtown Houston. We offer boarding, training, lessons, and sales.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for horse and rider. We strive to exceed our personal goals while delivering a sense of accomplishment. Horses and clients are treated with the utmost respect.
Cresco Concrete Products, LLCHouston, TX 77053
(832) 748-8181
mtfarm95@aol.comElite Sporthorse is a beautiful boarding facility located right outside downtown Houston. We offer boarding, training, lessons, and sales.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and fun environment for horse and rider. We strive to exceed our personal goals while delivering a sense of accomplishment. Horses and clients are treated with the utmost respect.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
1905 Johanna Drive, Suite B2
Houston, TX 77055
We offer concrete ranch and rail fencing and ship nationwide. Rails are made of lightweight concrete. System is very easy to install and can be done with as few as two people. Great for ranches and farms.
Harrison Quarter HorsesHouston, TX 77055
(713) 589-5043
(866) 491-6819
info@crescoconcrete.comWe offer concrete ranch and rail fencing and ship nationwide. Rails are made of lightweight concrete. System is very easy to install and can be done with as few as two people. Great for ranches and farms.
712 Main St
Suite 1900
Houston, TX 77002
J & K Ranch KennelSuite 1900
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 632-1331
12007 West Morgan Drive
Houston, TX 77065
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) takes place in a peaceful, private, confidential, and relaxed setting. It is positive, productive, and fun. This modality works well for those uncomfortable in the clinical setting.
OptiKits! by APB Pole BarnsHouston, TX 77065
(832) 428-6253
jandkkennels@sbcglobal.netEquine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) takes place in a peaceful, private, confidential, and relaxed setting. It is positive, productive, and fun. This modality works well for those uncomfortable in the clinical setting.

Visit OptiKits! by APB Pole Barns' Facebook Page
APB Pole Barns
12317 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77045
(210) 650-2276
(513) 307-2978
robert@apbbuildings.comOffers horse barns and indoor riding arenas for equine lovers nationwide. Turnkey installation available or DIY barn kits delivered with engineered prints.
Online pricing available for kit pricing and installed pricing available in 24 hours. Just produce a quote for a delivered kit and email it for an installed price quote.

Visit Rigid Building Systems' Facebook Page
18933 Aldine Westfield
Houston, TX 77073
(888) GO-RIGID
(281) 443-9065
Rigid Building Systems manufactures a variety of steel buildings for agricultural, aviation, churches, commercial, industrial, institutional and self storage projects.

Visit Sam Houston Race Park's Facebook Page
7575 N Sam Houston Parkway West
Houston, TX 77064
(281) 807-8700
14108 Bridgeport
Houston, TX 77047
Affordable horseback riding, riding lessons, and trail rides in the heart of Houston. Located just 7 miles from downtown off of Highway 288.
Houston, TX 77047
(832) 477-6790
ruthsamjos@aol.comAffordable horseback riding, riding lessons, and trail rides in the heart of Houston. Located just 7 miles from downtown off of Highway 288.
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