Dell City, Texas Horse Directory
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1400 South Main Street
Dell City, TX 79837
Premium Pasture-in-a-Bag. Chaffhaye is premium bagged forage sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being for a wide variety of animals, including horses and all classes of livestock.
Dell City, TX 79837
(877) 222-9156
kimber@chaffhaye.comPremium Pasture-in-a-Bag. Chaffhaye is premium bagged forage sold in 50-pound bags that captures the key characteristics of fresh pasture, while also offering a guaranteed level of nutrition. It is ideal for ensuring maximum health and well-being for a wide variety of animals, including horses and all classes of livestock.
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