Powderly, Texas Horse Directory
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Magicarpet Show Horses

Visit Magicarpet Show Horses' Facebook Page
1273 County Rd 44250
Powderly, TX 75473
(903) 732-4100
(903) 732-4112
charna2@aol.comThis is literally heaven for your horse. We offer 5 pastures ranging from 7 to 45 acres - gently rolling, well maintained grassy pastures dotted with pin oaks and ample shelters. Also have 8.5 acre grassy paddocks with shelters for those that need daily medication or more senior feeds. We have a fully stocked vet area and know how to use it. In the event your horse needs a vet, a mobile vet comes to us. This is our home - we are on the premises 24/7. We do not allow teenagers, showing, or breeding to decease germs and stress to an absolute minimum so your older horse can thrive. Our hay is top quality, and our grain is organic. We do a great job caring for your senior citizen! Our rates are unbelievably low and are full care. You will not get another charge unless the vet has to see your horse! Monthly fee include trims, worming as vet recommends, blanketing, occasional grooming, and annual shots. Let your treasured friend retire with friends, grazing and moving around at will, living as a horse should with mild winters and breezy summers.
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