Texas Horse Directory
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Patronella Enterprises
2000 E Whitestone Blvd
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Full-service farm and ranch construction services in central Texas.
Peacock Stables, TheCedar Park, TX 78613
(512) 259-3554
(512) 740-5636
patroent@gmail.comFull-service farm and ranch construction services in central Texas.
6713 SJolander Road
Baytown, TX 77521
Located just forty minutes east of downtown Houston, this equestrian center is just a short ride away from the center of Houston and many other southern Texas locations. It is conveniently located just off Interstate Route 10 (I-10). The Peacock Stables welcomes all breeds and disciplines. We offer English and Western Style riding with one large indoor arena and three outdoor round pens. There are over forty boarding stalls on site and an experienced staff, including some of the best offered west of the Mississippi.
We also offer lessons, boarding, riding trails, and daily turnout along with day camps.
Our trainer, Lilian King, has over ten years of experience and has traveled to many far off destinations to hone her craft, including Australia and many other overseas destinations.
Pennebaker HorseshoeingBaytown, TX 77521
(832) 262-1262
(832) 262-2217
reservations@PeacockStables.comLocated just forty minutes east of downtown Houston, this equestrian center is just a short ride away from the center of Houston and many other southern Texas locations. It is conveniently located just off Interstate Route 10 (I-10). The Peacock Stables welcomes all breeds and disciplines. We offer English and Western Style riding with one large indoor arena and three outdoor round pens. There are over forty boarding stalls on site and an experienced staff, including some of the best offered west of the Mississippi.
We also offer lessons, boarding, riding trails, and daily turnout along with day camps.
Our trainer, Lilian King, has over ten years of experience and has traveled to many far off destinations to hone her craft, including Australia and many other overseas destinations.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
Springtown, TX 76082
Pennebaker Horseshoeing is a full service farrier offering hot, cold, and corrective shoeing. Natural trims are an option as well. Certified through the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School. Years of experience!
Peruvian Horse World(817) 291-7400
pennebakerhorseshoeing@yahoo.comPennebaker Horseshoeing is a full service farrier offering hot, cold, and corrective shoeing. Natural trims are an option as well. Certified through the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School. Years of experience!
Online community for everything related to the Peruvian Paso horse. Peruvian Horse World is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and education of the Peruvian Paso horse.
Phillips FarmOnline community for everything related to the Peruvian Paso horse. Peruvian Horse World is dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and education of the Peruvian Paso horse.

Visit Phillips Farm's Facebook Page
560 RS CR 1691
Lone Oak, TX 75453
(903) 662-5087
info@phillipsfarm.comHome of Lakylu POA's.
Phillips Farm is located in northeast Texas approximately 50 miles NE of Dallas, Texas. We raise registered AQHA, APHA, and POA horses for pleasure and performance. Phillips Farm strives to provide the best quality horses in pedigree, disposition, and athletic ability. Great horses with trainable disposition and willingness to learn are very important to us. Home of POA stallions Santee Cortez & Santee Statesman, AQHA stallions Zippo Pine Bud & Whatamos, and AQHA/APHA/PtHA stallion Zippos Royal Spirit. Horses for sale.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Pony of the Americas Breeders and Stallions
1720 Hwy 159 East
Bellville, TX 77418
Pine Hill Equestrian Center for training of the horse and rider with interest in the olympic horse sports. Competitions, clinics, training, instruction and horse sales.
Platinum Equestrian Center of TexasBellville, TX 77418
(979) 865-5591
pinehilltexas@sbcglobal.netPine Hill Equestrian Center for training of the horse and rider with interest in the olympic horse sports. Competitions, clinics, training, instruction and horse sales.
3404 Cordova Rd
Seguin, TX 78155
Platinum Equestrian Center of Texas offers hunter, jumper, dressage, and western riding lessons by an ARIA certified instructor, horse training, and self or full care boarding (12x12 stalls w/runs or pasture board).
150x250 Covered lighted arena for hourly, daily, or nightly rental to the public. Stalls for layovers available.
Contact Robin at the number or email above for more info or to set up a free tour.
Pleasant Hill RanchSeguin, TX 78155
(832) 545-4192
platinumjumpers@yahoo.comPlatinum Equestrian Center of Texas offers hunter, jumper, dressage, and western riding lessons by an ARIA certified instructor, horse training, and self or full care boarding (12x12 stalls w/runs or pasture board).
150x250 Covered lighted arena for hourly, daily, or nightly rental to the public. Stalls for layovers available.
Contact Robin at the number or email above for more info or to set up a free tour.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Event Facilities
5718 Highway 2526
Carbon, TX 76435
Welsh Ponies and Egyptian Arabian Horses. Pleasant Hill Ranch raises a few select foals each year. Emphasis on black Egyptian Arabians and black Section B Welsh of exceptional type. Foals and youngstock are socialized and handled regularly.
Plum Creek Quarter HorsesPost Oak FarmCarbon, TX 76435
(254) 631-6169
skc99@txbusiness.comWelsh Ponies and Egyptian Arabian Horses. Pleasant Hill Ranch raises a few select foals each year. Emphasis on black Egyptian Arabians and black Section B Welsh of exceptional type. Foals and youngstock are socialized and handled regularly.

Visit Post Oak Farm's Facebook Page
1019 FM 3509
Burnet, TX 78611
(512) 756-4647
letsride@postoakfarm.comAustin area horse boarding, lessons, and training.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Horse Training Stables
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