Canyon, Texas Horse Directory
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Lonestar Custom Barns
14701 Gordon Cummings Rd
Canyon, TX 79015
Manufacturers of quality equestrian and livestock products for professional or personal use.
Running T FarmsCanyon, TX 79015
(806) 499-3791
(281) 259-0388
lonestarbarns@aol.comManufacturers of quality equestrian and livestock products for professional or personal use.
501 East State Highway 217
Canyon, TX 79015
Horse stables and horse breeding services that include stud service and the shipment of cooled and frozen horse semen.
West Texas A & M University: Equine Industry ProgramCanyon, TX 79015
(806) 488-2608
tpotter@runningtfarms.comHorse stables and horse breeding services that include stud service and the shipment of cooled and frozen horse semen.
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