Lindale, Texas Horse Directory
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Casa Cassel Bunk and Barn
11294 CR 4102
Lindale, TX 75771
Bed and breakfast with boarding available for up to 5 horses and 3 people. Pets welcome - kennels available. Private cottage-style bunk house with kitchenette, dining area and full bath. 12' x 12' stalls for horses. Price of stay includes breakfast meal daily and hay and water for horses. We also offer horse training, from greenbreaking to show finish. Polish Arabian racing horses bred at Casa Cassel Arabians.
Lindale, TX 75771
(903) 780-1570
scooter_75771@yahoo.comBed and breakfast with boarding available for up to 5 horses and 3 people. Pets welcome - kennels available. Private cottage-style bunk house with kitchenette, dining area and full bath. 12' x 12' stalls for horses. Price of stay includes breakfast meal daily and hay and water for horses. We also offer horse training, from greenbreaking to show finish. Polish Arabian racing horses bred at Casa Cassel Arabians.
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