Wichita Falls, Texas Horse Directory
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Equine Dentistry of Texoma
540 Bowman Rd
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
EQ/DT certified equine dentist making ranch calls for your equine partner. Equine dentistry is one of the most overlooked and neglected parts of your horse's overall health and longevity. If you haven't seen an EQ/DT in 18 months or longer, call for an appointment today!
Erin BronsonWichita Falls, TX 76308
(940) 212-0171
bhiveranch@live.comEQ/DT certified equine dentist making ranch calls for your equine partner. Equine dentistry is one of the most overlooked and neglected parts of your horse's overall health and longevity. If you haven't seen an EQ/DT in 18 months or longer, call for an appointment today!
540 Bowman Rd
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Master Farrier offering basic and corrective shoeing and trimming. Oregon State University certified in Farrier Science. 15 years experience. Covering Wichita Falls, TX, and surrounding areas.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(940) 212-0171
bhiveranch@live.comMaster Farrier offering basic and corrective shoeing and trimming. Oregon State University certified in Farrier Science. 15 years experience. Covering Wichita Falls, TX, and surrounding areas.
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