Chittenden County, Vermont Horse Directory
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Building Heritage
649 Hinesburg Hollow Road
Huntington, VT 05462
Preserving Tradition, Building Heritage...
Building Heritage combines some of the finest craftsmanship in traditional trades with advanced knowledge of historic preservation ethics and rules. We work on all types of structures: houses, barns, churches, town halls, mills, schoolhouses, as well as all types of outbuildings. Building Heritage specializes in timber and stone repair, using traditional methods with a modern understanding of building capacities and wide array of equipment.
Hearts, Hands & Horses LLCHuntington, VT 05462
(802) 598-9344
eliot@buildingheritage.comPreserving Tradition, Building Heritage...
Building Heritage combines some of the finest craftsmanship in traditional trades with advanced knowledge of historic preservation ethics and rules. We work on all types of structures: houses, barns, churches, town halls, mills, schoolhouses, as well as all types of outbuildings. Building Heritage specializes in timber and stone repair, using traditional methods with a modern understanding of building capacities and wide array of equipment.
Lori Sullivan MS,OT
Colchester, VT 05446
Chittenden County's first hippotherapy program providing hippotherapy and adaptive riding lessons for children ages 2-21. Hippotherapy is a medical therapy provided by a licensed and specially trained occupational, physical, or speech therapist who uses the multidimensional movement of the horse to facilitate the achievement of therapeutic goals. Children who can benefit include those with cerebral palsy, autism, asperger's syndrome, down syndrome, sensory processing disorder, sensory integration dysfunction, and multiple sclerosis. Often more effective than traditional therapies, hippotherapy is provided in a mainstream environment. Riding is enjoyed by thousands of people of all ages and now is available for children of all abilities.
Member of the American Hippotherapy Association, NARHA, and AOTA.
Services covered by insurance and medicaid. Occupational therapy and speech therapy available. Fully handicapped accessible state of the art facility conveniently located of
Hilltop StablesColchester, VT 05446
(802) 860-6072
(802) 238-0494
lbsullivan130@aol.comChittenden County's first hippotherapy program providing hippotherapy and adaptive riding lessons for children ages 2-21. Hippotherapy is a medical therapy provided by a licensed and specially trained occupational, physical, or speech therapist who uses the multidimensional movement of the horse to facilitate the achievement of therapeutic goals. Children who can benefit include those with cerebral palsy, autism, asperger's syndrome, down syndrome, sensory processing disorder, sensory integration dysfunction, and multiple sclerosis. Often more effective than traditional therapies, hippotherapy is provided in a mainstream environment. Riding is enjoyed by thousands of people of all ages and now is available for children of all abilities.
Member of the American Hippotherapy Association, NARHA, and AOTA.
Services covered by insurance and medicaid. Occupational therapy and speech therapy available. Fully handicapped accessible state of the art facility conveniently located of
Poker Hll Road
Underhill, VT 05489
Contact us for stall availability. Manager on site daily. Very clean barn only 30 minutes from Burlington. Under new management. We offer a spacious outdoor arena, indoor arena, and new dressage arena. Miles of dirt roads to ride on. Two trainers offer private and group lessons from beginner to advanced. College students welcome. You do not need to own a horse to participate in the fun; there are several well schooled horses available for on farm full or partial lease. Full board at $375.00 a month (as of July 2010) includes daily turnout, grain, plenty of hay and water, and large box stalls that are cleaned daily. Other amenities available upon request.
New Horizons Farm LLCUnderhill, VT 05489
(802) 899-1776
Sheilaundrhll@aol.comContact us for stall availability. Manager on site daily. Very clean barn only 30 minutes from Burlington. Under new management. We offer a spacious outdoor arena, indoor arena, and new dressage arena. Miles of dirt roads to ride on. Two trainers offer private and group lessons from beginner to advanced. College students welcome. You do not need to own a horse to participate in the fun; there are several well schooled horses available for on farm full or partial lease. Full board at $375.00 a month (as of July 2010) includes daily turnout, grain, plenty of hay and water, and large box stalls that are cleaned daily. Other amenities available upon request.

72 Indian Brook Road
Essex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 878-8683
AmQtrHorse@aol.comWe are a friendly barn dedicated to safety and the educational and fun experience with horses. Indoor arena (soft dust free footing), 2 outdoor arenas (sand and fenced), and access to miles of groomed trails and dirt roads. My passion is classical dressage, but I do a lot of western and dressage riding, teaching, training, clinics, and demos... including cowboy/western dressage. Our barn is warm in the winter (no frozen buckets :) and cool in the summer. Our atmosphere is very inviting. Boarding ~ Lessons ~ Training ~ Clinics. All disciplines and all levels of riders and horses from beginner through FEI English and western... Come check us out. Rosemary Root - owner/trainer since 1984.
34 Park Street, #9
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Vermont Tack Shop dedicated to providing great service, fantastic selection, and super values with over 2400 square feet of Western and English tack.
University of VermontVermont Large Animal Clinic - Equine HospitalGeneva WilkEssex Junction, VT 05452
(802) 876-4444
(800) 667-6611
tonys_tack@msn.comVermont Tack Shop dedicated to providing great service, fantastic selection, and super values with over 2400 square feet of Western and English tack.
Fairfax, VT 05454
Riding instructor & trainer Geneva Wilk is teaching out of Fairfax, VT. Experience in dressage, hunters, and western. All ages and levels of riders accepted. Also willing to travel to your place for lessons or training if local. Horse training available from unstarted on up - specializing is 'problem horses'. Call or e-mail to set up your introductory lesson for free! Visit my website for more info.
(304) 820-3806
melodyhorse@gmail.comRiding instructor & trainer Geneva Wilk is teaching out of Fairfax, VT. Experience in dressage, hunters, and western. All ages and levels of riders accepted. Also willing to travel to your place for lessons or training if local. Horse training available from unstarted on up - specializing is 'problem horses'. Call or e-mail to set up your introductory lesson for free! Visit my website for more info.
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