Fluvanna County, Virginia Horse Directory
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Crossroads Farrier Supply
77 Zion Park Ct
Troy, VA 22974
Horseshoeing supplies for farriers and trimmers. We offer steel, aluminum, and therapeutic shoes for performance and pleasure horses, including St. Croix, Kerckhaert, Victory, Grand Circuit, Natural Balance, KB, Anvil Brand, and more. We have a large selection of hoof repairs, including Equilox, Pro Patch, Hoof Life, and Vettec. Please visit us in central Virginia, one mile from Interstate 64, or shop online for your convenience.
Paragon Equestrian CentreTroy, VA 22974
horseshoes@crossroadsfarriersupply.comHorseshoeing supplies for farriers and trimmers. We offer steel, aluminum, and therapeutic shoes for performance and pleasure horses, including St. Croix, Kerckhaert, Victory, Grand Circuit, Natural Balance, KB, Anvil Brand, and more. We have a large selection of hoof repairs, including Equilox, Pro Patch, Hoof Life, and Vettec. Please visit us in central Virginia, one mile from Interstate 64, or shop online for your convenience.
Palmyra, VA 22963
A full care facility in Fluvanna County. Offering board, lessons, and training in a beautiful setting with experienced, friendly staff. Too many amenities to list - see our website.
(434) 842-1010
(434) 906-0081
seige78@hotmail.comA full care facility in Fluvanna County. Offering board, lessons, and training in a beautiful setting with experienced, friendly staff. Too many amenities to list - see our website.
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