Fredericksburg City County, Virginia Horse Directory
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Barn Builders
2215 Plank Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Let us help you build your dream! Barns, run-ins, garages, barn houses, barn loft apartments, etc. We can customize whatever works best for you, from custom exteriors (siding choices, roofing, and design, etc.) to custom interiors (isle ways, rubber pavers, slate, electric, plumbing, etc.) to automatic waterers. However much or however little, we provide the complete project, from start to finish! Class A builder; fully insured.
Double L Tack ShopFredericksburg, VA 22401
(703) 405-1352
probldginc@yahoo.comLet us help you build your dream! Barns, run-ins, garages, barn houses, barn loft apartments, etc. We can customize whatever works best for you, from custom exteriors (siding choices, roofing, and design, etc.) to custom interiors (isle ways, rubber pavers, slate, electric, plumbing, etc.) to automatic waterers. However much or however little, we provide the complete project, from start to finish! Class A builder; fully insured.

Visit Double L Tack Shop's Facebook Page
177 Chapel Green Rd
Fredericksburg, VA 22405
(540) 371-2250
info@doubleltackshop.comWe are a full service tack shop offering a wide selection of English and Western saddlery, riding apparel, gift items, horse care supplies, and barn supplies.
14511 Spring Mill Road
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Tamarack Stables Rivers Edge breeds registered Pure Spanish Andalusian Horses, gives riding lessons, holds summer camp sessions and provides a relaxing retreat of trail rides or campouts for family or office groups. Located on the Rappahannock river.
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
(540) 752-7367
Tamarack Stables Rivers Edge breeds registered Pure Spanish Andalusian Horses, gives riding lessons, holds summer camp sessions and provides a relaxing retreat of trail rides or campouts for family or office groups. Located on the Rappahannock river.
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